About Me
Welcome to my blog. I’m a stay-at-home mom of 12. I’m also a homeschool mom who enjoys teaching her children and watching them learn. I love to cook and bake for my family. We have multiple food intolerances in our family so sometimes cooking can be a challenge.
We live on a farm and enjoy our horses, goats(Alpine milk goats), Jersey dairy cows, Corriedale sheep, chickens, guineas, turkeys, geese, cats, and dogs. On our farm, we’re up with the sun milking. Our sheep are wool sheep and they get sheared once a year; they are also meat sheep so we do enjoy lamb on our menu. We love our free-range chickens and get plenty of eggs to help keep us healthy. Our horses are used for our hobby of reenacting the Civil War. We raise Quarter horses and have an Arabian as well.
As a family, we love to reenact the Civil War and WWII. I started reenacting at the age of 7 in 1992. I loved this hobby growing up and actually met my husband during a Civil War event. We didn’t really date as we lived several hours away but rather had phone and email conversations for a few months before he came to visit and asked for my hand in marriage. We were married in a modern church ceremony in June of 2004 (I wore my Mom’s wedding dress that she had sewn herself) and then a few years later we had a Civil War wedding.
I am also a registered nurse(RN) with a BSN(Bachelor of Science in Nursing). My husband is self-employed. He is an electrician and has a Master’s license in the state of Missouri and a Master’s license in the state of Nebraska as well as a license in the state of Iowa.
You may contact me by the below form or email forhimandmyfamily(at)gmail(dot)com
Ashley Gill
Your love story is so sweet! I also have a piece of my mother in my wedding dress! She did all of the sewing. I will cherish it for the rest of my life and hope to pass it down to my daughter for her special day.
Erin S.
My mom sewed all my bridesmaid and flower girl dresses as well. Such a special time.
Savvy Working Gal
I love how you met your husband because of your fascination with the Civil War. I also see you love to read. Would love to see a list of your favorite books about the Civil War.
Erin S.
That list keeps growing! Make sure to check out my Litfuse tab for some great historical fiction!
Thaleia (@Something2Offer)
Wow, mom to 9 and a Civil War Reenactor? That’s truly incredible. Sounds like you and your hubby did a form of courting. Love all the animals you have. So wish we lived in the country or at least the edge of town!
Erin S.
Yes without intending to, we did court. I love what it adds to our story and wouldn’t change a thing!
My husband used to be a Civil War reenactor. He still misses it, but he’s just too busy with his other hobbies these days.
Erin S.
I’ve heard that from quite a few really. Everyone misses the camaraderie that we share at events. We have a great group of people we reenact with.
Heidi G
You are a very talented and busy lady! I would love to see a Civil War reenactment!
Erin S.
We are going to be attending one in a few weeks! I’ll be sure to share some photos with you guys!
Mother to 9! Amazing! It’s mothers like you I look up too! I loose my head some days with just my two kiddos but love them bunches!
Erin S.
Thanks so much! There are days that I’m not sure how I hold it all together either. We’re all on the journey together.
Hello! Visiting from Social Media Network Group on Facebook! Following you on Google+
Great blog!!
Erin S.
Nice to have you along!
Beautiful cover. You’re a new author to me. I’m looking forward to reading your books.
Erin S.
Thanks for stopping by!
I have a friend who has 10 children and home schooled all of them. I have 5 and home school mine as well. Two more to go! I had this terrible guilt while I read all that you do and I thought, “I have no room to complain now.” Ha! Love your blog. Love your attitude. Thanks for encouraging me as a mother and wife.
Erin S.
Thanks for stopping by! I love that I can encourage you. And really I love this life I live though I am far from getting it all done!
Scott LaPierre
Thank you for reading, reviewing, and doing a giveaway with Your Marriage God’s Way!
I am praying God uses the book and workbook to strengthen marriages and exalt Christ.
If anyone reads this review and has any questions or I can pray for you in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me through the contact page on my website: https://www.scottlapierre.org/contact/.
In Christ,
Alison Cheah
Erin, I am so blessed by your review. It lets me know God is using my story as I hoped he would. I am searching to find more stories in the genre of middle grade/young teen fiction with a strong Christian message. Any suggestions would be wonderful.
Erin S.
My kids are always looking for good historical fiction around the WWII era with lots of suspense!
Alison Cheah
Thank you so much for your lovely review. I’m so excited that you allowed your children to read the book. My prayer is that it will God will use it to help many children understand how loved they are by him.
Erin S.
I think that is such a great goal. We loved this book.