Prompt: Give 15 tips to get through life This is actually harder than it looks.1- Don’t sweat the small stuff. Is it really…
Category: my life
Today’s prompt is How do you see yourself by the end of the year Hmm I hadn’t really thought about this one. By…
Worst injury you’ve had & how it happened. The worst injury I’ve ever had would be when I broke my foot. That in…
Best day of your life. The best day of my life was my wedding day. I was so excited to be marrying my…
Cost aside, famous art piece you would have in your home. I’m not a huge art fan. I’ve never been to an art…
Prompt: Your worst cooking disaster Hmm, my worst cooking disaster would have to be when I was 7 years old. I was allowed…
Not including blogging, your favorite guilty pleasure 😉 My favorite guilty pleasure is to steal time to myself. I know that doens’t sound…
Today is to post a picture of something that makes you happy! There are so many pictures that I could post for this. …
Today’s question is to tell any nicknames you have and why you have them! My family has always been huge on nicknames which…
Today’s challenge topic is short term goals for this month and why those goals. My goal for this month is to finish the…