Pampered Chef Stoneware Pizza Pan Review #kissinthecook

I love to bake, but hate traditional pans.  I refuse to use anything plastic or silicone if it’s going to get hot or go in the oven.  I also am not a fan of aluminum.  So the question remained of what do you use for baking then!?

The only options I had found were glass, cast iron, or stoneware.  I use glass routinely for casserole dishes and loaf pans, but have never seen a glass pizza pan before.  I love cast iron for cooking on the stove or over an open fire, but yet again have never seen a cast iron pizza pan.  I had heard of stoneware but actually did not own any. . . until now!

I recently received to review a stoneware size medium pizza pan from Pampered Chef.  This is actually my first item that I’ve ever owned that is Pampered Chef as well!  Yes I’m a little excited if you couldn’t tell!  Must add here that Pampered Chef is having a sale this month for some of their stoneware including these pans!  20% off!!

The medium round stone with handles(love these curved handles) retails at $25.00 and is a 13 inch pan so it worked perfectly with my new Core Bamboo pizza cutting board.  The stone is easy to care for as you just have to wipe it off.  It seasons easily.  For the first use a light coat of oil, and afterwards nothing is needed.  The darker the pan the better the season.  Instead of scrubbing the stone it comes with a small scraper(like a spatula but with no handle) that you can use to get any excess food off and then wipe clean with a warm cloth.

I had looked into other stoneware pizza pans, but they required preheating which to me was too time consuming.  I cook for a family of 10 and we eat a lot.  When I made our “pizza party” we went through 4 pizzas with no leftovers.  With each pizza baking for 20 minutes and that not including the prep time you can imagine how long it takes to feed everyone.  I don’t have the extra time to make sure the pan reaches a certain temperature before putting the pizza on it to bake.

I loved cooking with this pan.  I would use it, it would cool slightly while I made another crust and then wallah!  New pizza in the oven.  The pizzas were wonderful!  No burnt, no overdone, perfect hand done crust everytime!  There is no learning curve with this pan which I found wonderful.  It cleans easily and is low maintenance.  You do need to be careful with it as it could break.  I really loved the handles for helping me get it in and out of the oven.
I highly recommend the Pampered Chef pan and think you should check them out!  Oh and don’t forget to enter my giveaway where you can enter to win one of you own plus other goodies to make your own pizza party!

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  1. Natalie Parvis-Nichols

    I like the Spiral & Slice!! That would get some use at our house.

  2. Robin Wilson

    You cannot go wrong with their Pizza Pan! It is my favorite with their Bundt Pan aright behind it. Both have seasoned so well over the years.

  3. Mer

    This looks fabulous! I love my pampered chef measuring spoons, but I’ve never tried their bakeware. I really like how it is easy to care for.

  4. teachinmomma123

    I had one of these and my son dropped it and it broke before i had a chance to use it. I would love to have this one. I love these. They are awesome!!

  5. Jessi Timmermans

    We need one of these in our home! I hate trying to fit a round pizza on a cookie sheet

  6. Stacy

    I was a Pampered Chef consultant a few years ago and one of my favorite PC items is still my pizza stone!

  7. Anne

    I have a couple of Pampered Chef stoneware pans and I love, love, love them! This pizza pan looks great–I really like the grips to make getting it in and out of the oven easy. I’d love to have the large stoneware bar pan, too.

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