Exercising During the Holidays

Are you following an exercise routine? Having trouble keeping up with exercising during the holidays?
This is me. I can be on an exercising kick and doing great. But then something comes up. Normally it’s things that you’d think I’d plan for, like the holidays and birthdays. But I’m not very good at planning(something I’m working on) and tend to forget and then get sidetracked. My plan for exercising during the holidays is normally just to skip it. I mean, we’re all super busy and life is busy and then there are all the candies and cookies that we’re baking. What? You mean that’s a reason to exercise?
Okay, so now we’ve established that yeah I definitely need to keep exercising during the holidays let’s talk about how and what.
For me exercising has to be simple. It has to just be me being active or moving around. Normally that can be accomplished simply by putting music on! I love music and I love moving to the beat. I know several ballroom dances and really love to take a slow ballroom dance like the waltz or the cha-cha even and uptempo it to a contemporary tune.
I’ve been having so much fun doing this recently with two new cd’s! I was sent Amy Grant’s In Motion the Remixes and Mandisa’s Get Up the remixes as well as a glass water bottle! Yeah for these cd’s and yeah for a glass bottle! I don’t use plastic and SO many companies want to send me plastic water bottles and then get mad when I say I can’t recommend them. I don’t like plastic.
These cd’s contain fast and upbeat songs that make you want to get moving. I find myself dancing to the beat while folding laundry and sweeping the floors as well. Exercising definitely gives me a positive boost too!
I have to comment on the water bottle as well. I already said that it is glass. It’s also NOT dishwasher safe. . . . . yes this has been learned in our house. While I was recovering from thyroid surgery my husband was on dishes duty and he put it in the dishwasher. The lovely verse on the bottle is no longer there. The bottle is still fully functional though! A bit of a testimony to how well the water bottle holds up though I do miss the nice verse on the side! The verse is a great one too. Philippians 4:13. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Somehow they also knew one of my favorite colors! The one I received was this gorgeous aqua but they also have other colors available on the website. The bottle holds 20 ounces and costs $9.99. Would make a great stocking stuffer for someone!
Now a bit back to the exercising part. I try to get in several short sections of exercising rather than trying to do an hour straight. There is no way I’d have an hour to myself in this house unless it was when I am supposed to be sleeping. I need my sleep so that is not an option. So doing four or five fifteen minute intervals works wonderfully for me.
I try to do one first thing in the morning while the kids are getting their chores done for the day. This is a simple one for me. I stick in a cd(I really like Mandisa for first thing in the morning). Then I pull up a workout routine on YouTube. YouTube really has some great ones. I play it on my computer with NO sound. Just trying to do whatever moves the one on the computer is doing. The best heart pumping workout for me first thing in the morning is either ReFit or Zumba. Both can be found by simple searches. And both are great workouts to do to a great beat!
My next interval of exercise comes mid morning. This is the break for kids from school so it’s my time to exercise! They’re running off energy and I need to get some more too! Again I’ll stick in a cd. Some days I just leave Mandisa in the player and others I’m ready for a change so we pop in Amy Grant. If it’s a nice day outside we’ll go out to play. I take the music with me and do stretches outside to the beat. After I’m thoroughly stretched it’s jumping jacks and chasing the kids around the house. Let me tell you, chasing children around while pretending to be a monster with a 22 pound 18 month old on your back is definitely a great workout! And everyone wins! The kids are happy, the baby is laughing so hard I’m laughing as I run and I am definitely worn out when we’re done!
Okay so the next break for exercise is mid afternoon around 2 or 2:30. Baby is napping at this time(while she still naps–she’s working on being a no nap girl) and I can get something done! I’m normally lacking in energy about this time too. This would be the time I’d reach for coffee or a soda to kick up my energy level before but now I do a big of fast exercise and get myself going! My favorite thing to do in the afternoon is about 15 minutes of fast paced cha-cha. If you’ve ever done the cha-cha properly you know this is a killer workout! Make sure to stretch first. I always have kids ready to be my partner even if I’m just dragging them around the room. Probably the best workout is when my petite four-year old wraps her little legs around my waist as I’m dancing her around. Not only am I getting a great lower body workout but now I’ve got an extra 28 pounds that I’m holding too! And people say being a stay at home mom is easy! As for music I tend to pick who ever I didn’t listen to in the morning.
My last workout comes as the kids are picking up before bed. I tend to be sweeping or folding laundry at this time. When you put on a fast paced cd it’s easier to do a little dancing and get a little workout in while you’re doing your chores. If it works for me it works for the kids too! I think they get their chores and picking things up done faster when they want to get back in and dance with mommy!
All in all I loved these review products from Family Christian. They are a perfect fit into my busy schedule and definitely a hit with the kids and I. I think my husband would prefer a bit more variety. He’s been listening to them quite a bit this past month as he has had more time at home. Don’t take my word for it, get your own today!
Good for you keeping up with the exercise routine! I just cant get it together. Keep up the good work!
Erin S.
I had days and weeks where I wouldn’t exercise and I just feel horrible. I’m glad to be back in a rhythm. I hope you find yours!
First I love the look of your blog. I am going to head over to the site for that water bottle for my cousin right now. lol
I am finding it hard to exercises lately, I love how you are incorporating movement into your everyday life.
Erin S.
Thanks so much! I find that if I make it a part of everyday that I’m more likely to stick with it.
Heidi G
I LOVE Amy Grant! I didn’t know she was still performing!
Erin S.
You will love this! Great album and upbeat to get you moving!
Ugh, you just made me feel guilty. We slept in and skipped the gym this morning…
Erin S.
I wish I was close to a gym! We live in the middle of nowhere so there aren’t any closer than an hour away. Thus why I exercise with my kiddos!
I need go get back into a work out routine. I’m majority slacking and it’d awful! I feel like I have no time.
Erin S.
Time is always such a huge factor in exercising.
Stephanie Keeping
I love Amy Grant! I think it’s important to remember to exercise and not get out of habit.
Erin S.
Yes! That’s why I make it a daily thing. The only day I “take off” is Sunday but I still make sure to play with my kids and sweep to the beat!
Terri Ramsey Beavers
Pretty cool looking glass bottle, too bad it’s not dishwasher safe. I love Amy Grant.
Erin S.
The bottle is fine but the words were not. I’m sad. But I still love it and the Amy Grant CD is awesome!
Tesha Fritz
I am so glad that I read this post. It has given me some ways to get back in the groove! Literally! Thank you!
Erin S.
So glad I could help out!
Thanks for sharing! That’s way too much exercise for this momma!!
Erin S.
It really isn’t that much, I bet you could do it!
vidya sudarsan
I have tried working out different times of the day.. and wish I could do something more consistent. Esp, with all the eating during the holiday season 🙂 always good to hear some motivation from others..
Erin S.
I know! It is so hard to set a schedule and stick to it. I find it gives me more energy though.
It is important to find some time for our body during this hectic season… even if it is quite hard at times.
Erin S.
I could not agree more!
Cathy @ Our Mini Family
Listening to music while I do chores is definitely something that keeps me going! Great way to exercise if I’m not necessary able to run down to the gym! Great read!
Erin S.
Yes! We don’t have a gym near so I have to devise ways to get moving at home.
MryJhnsn (@mryjhnsn)
I really need to be better at committing to working out. My husband is so good at it and I am so not!
Erin S.
Just knowing that you need to is a great step in the right direction!
I’ve slowly been working exercise into my daily routine. I’m doing good although yesterday was my first “tired” day.
Erin S.
It’s definitely so good for you! Good job on getting exercise into your routine!
Tricia W.
Yes,Ma’am ! Gott get the exercise in ..especially during these day !!! Thanks for the article !!
Erin S.
Thanks for dropping by!
I really like glass water bottles over plastic, and have always loved Amy Grant.
Erin S.
Yes glass is so much better for us!
miranda @lemonsandlaughs
My exercise any time is chasing after small children 🙂 I love that water bottle!
Erin S.
Small children definitely give us a great workout routine!
Love Mandisa! We listen to Klove in the car and thankful to have inspiring music on the drive wherever we go.
Erin S.
We LOVE KLOVE too! We listen to it at home through the computer and in the car as well.
Manu Kalia
I am a huge fan of Amy Grant, her music is so beautiful.Exercise is one thing I am looking forward to.
Erin S.
I find that good music makes the exercise that much more enjoyable and easier to do.
Lisa Rios
I really love this post. I have tried many exercises in different times of the day, but not frequently and I should do something more. Nice share.
Erin S.
Thanks so much. It’s a personal choice, we all have to find the fit for us.
Joanna Sormunen
It’s really hard to start for me! I’ve been telling myself that I don’t need to do anything huge, just a little walk around the neighborhood. And then I can do more little by little. Luckily it’s been working and I’ve been more motivated about exercising.
Erin S.
Yes just a little everyday and it’ll add up! Great for you!
Debbie Denny
I have been using glass more. You keep up the good work.
Erin S.
Thanks! I love my glass jars. The 19 month old even has glass sippies and bottles. 🙂
Debbie L.
I am like you – I like to exercise by keeping busy – simple. I plan on walking a lot in 2015 – I like to walk and I have found it is a great way for me to stay in shape.
Erin S.
Walking is awesome exercise! I was in great shape when I was pregnant with my last from walking up and down our bluff!
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[…] that this post is #6 because it was posted in DECEMBER! Yeap it’s a good one. Exercising during the holidays has definitely gone viral in the few weeks it was live for 2014. Hope you like my hints and […]
Jessi Timmermans
I totally blew my routine at Christmas, well from before Thanksgiving till January if I am being honest 🙂
Erin S.
It’s a new day! I’m really starting to get into an exercise this week so it’s never too late to get back in there!