Scan Digital

Have you ever wondered what to do with all those old boxes of negatives and pictures sitting in your closet? Ok so maybe it’s only me that has all those old photos and negatives in boxes. . . .
Scan Digital is the answer! You can send them your photos, negatives, old home movies, and slides and they will scan them into their system and put them on a disc for you! No more bulky boxes in the closet! They are one of the best for 8mm film conversion you will find!
They also offer color correction to help bring your photos back to their prime. Think about it. Look over their website. Make sure to ask any questions you might have. They’ll get back to you with prompt helpful service.
Something I find interesting is that you can send them an album(yeap an album that you’ve made and have all kinds of pictures in) and they will keep the pictures in that order when putting them on a disc. So you still have your album, just in digitized form! You don’t have to go through taking all the pictures out of the album just to have them put on the disc, they do it for you! And return the pictures to where they should be in the album before sending the disc and album back to you!
This is REALLY cool! Now I wish I kept more negatives!