Birthday Boy!!

Some of you may know that I didn’t work on the blog yesterday because it was my youngest son’s birthday!  Colin turned 4.  It really does not seem like he can be this old already.  But to me it never seems like my kids should be as old as they are. 

We had a fun day!  Daddy was at a Civil War Reenactment so cake and presents waited until bedtime(or a few hours past really).  Colin started out the day by going out to help me milk which meant he chased around the goats waiting to be milked because he wanted to pet them.  And he also carried around the cute little kitten, Joy, who was not thrilled.  We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast(watch for this to come out), went to Mama and Papas for lunch(my parents), and had some homemade pizza for supper(again watch for this one to come out)!  When I asked him what kind of cake he wanted he was very adamant that he wanted chocolate with green icing. . . .  So!!

Yeah I know, not the best, but Colin helped make it and decorate it!!

I should let you know that this is the moistest gluten free cake I’ve had before.  It was wonderful!  And it rose!   Just like a gluten cake!!  Stay tuned for this recipe, it was to die for.  In fac, I must confess that we didn’t eat the cake last night because it was almost 10 before we had presents and were blowing out the candles.  So Daddy said they could have some tomorrow.  What do you think they wanted for breakfast?!  No, I didn’t let them eat the cake for breakfast. . . . well not totally. . . . they had a bowl of cereal first!

Colin posing with his cake and wearing one of daddy’s t-shirts!

We also always make sure to give the kids their gifts from Mommy and Daddy on their actual birthday.  They get presents from everyone else on their “party” day.   I had wanted to get Colin Peter Pan 2 the movie, but couldn’t find it anywhere.  He loves Peter Pan.  Instead I found a really cute VTech laptop Mater that is for preschool helping them learn letters and numbers.  It was on clearance. . .   I had to get it!  We also got him his own bicycle helmet and bell as we’ve had a few people give us bikes for the kids to use and Colin is a bit accident prone. 

Our helmet and the dingy bell it came with. . . I will regret that bell I’m sure!

Mater laptop!

Fionna had to see this one!

Blowing out our candles!

So we had a super fun day yesterday celebrating this little guys birthday!  I really can’t believe how grown up he is.  And how ornery he is. . . yeap he’s a handful but I wouldn’t trade him for the world!  Hope everyone else had a great 1st day of July and here’s hoping today will be just as nice or better!

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  1. jopb

    Congratulations on your son’s birthday. he looks very happy in the photos. I am anxiously waiting for your recipes.

  2. lisagee1234

    Kid’s grow up so fast! He is cute. The cake looked yummy :o)

  3. Chelsea Saulpaugh

    Happy birthday Colin! Sounds like a great birthday!

  4. ToriH.

    Happy birthday, Colin!

  5. Tim

    Happy b’day Colin!

  6. Denise Taylor-Dennis

    Look like Colin had a great birthday. Happy Birthday Colin.

  7. Jude Skocki Kelly

    What a gorgeous baby boy you have there. I do wish him a very Happy Birthday, but I can see from the pictures that he did <3

    myfreebi3s at yahoo dot com

  8. WandaB

    That cake looks yummy! Chocolate and green! Two of my favourite things! 🙂

  9. Jan Messali

    What a cutie… glad it was a fun birthday celebration. 🙂

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