Ozeri Kitchen Scale Review

I recently got a chance to review an awesome scale from Ozeri.  It’s a kitchen scale so I can measure out my flours for gluten free baking instead of guessing doing the cup measurements.  This thing is so nice!  It’s lightweight and small but works wonders for me.

I never realized before I got this kitchen scale how off my flour measurements were.  When you measure by cup it’s not as accurate and you have troubles with the flours being too heavy so it doesn’t raise and being too dry because you had too much flour.

With this kitchen scale I have been able to measure accurately and had much better results due to it!  I made my son’s birthday cake using this scale and it rose like a gluten filled cake!  It was wonderful! 

Oh and I forgot to mention it has a built in kitchen timer and alarm on this thing!  How wonderful!  I normally use the timer on my oven for everything, but this is so nice for when I have two things in the oven that both need to be in for different amounts of time!

Make sure to check over here for a giveaway for four Ozeri products!  A kitchen scale, a bathroom scale, a wok, and a fan!  I would love to try the other three, but for now you’ll just have to enter to win and then let me know if you do win how wonderful they are!

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  1. S. Ortiz

    It is good to know that weighing your measurements provide a better accuracy than by simply measuring them by cup(s); and having an alarm/timer on this scale is an added bonus which is very useful – especially for those of us that get preoccupied and forget that you are cooking.

  2. TheVegan

    I’ve never used a kitchen scale! I love that it has a built in timer and alarm.

  3. Britni

    Great review. We have a simple scale and I love it. Great for baking.

  4. Denise Taylor-Dennis

    I have never used a kitchen scale before sounds like it would be very helpful.

  5. kewkew

    I never realized that there would be a difference when measuring by the cup and by weight. Interesting. I love that it has a timer!
    Thanks for sharing

  6. Kamilah

    i have always wondered how useful one might be

  7. Debbie McConnell

    I need one of these. Thanks for sharing

  8. pajuxy7

    Thanks for the information!

  9. carol roberts

    this scale is what i need

  10. Chelsea Saulpaugh

    I have a kitchen scale and I just love it. Perfect for measuring out hamburger meat.

  11. mahnrafjtb

    I have the old kind. The digital looks so much more accurate.

  12. ToriH.

    Really cool!

  13. viviana rodriguez

    i really like this scale! the timer is perfect! i am often forgetful and things tend to overcook. thanks for the review 🙂

  14. April

    I’ve never used a kitchen scale. I don’t cook often either so that could be the problem!

  15. Tami Valentine

    I don’t have a kitchen scale. This would be a nice addition to my kitchen!

  16. neoh42f

    Thank you for your review. This sounds like an awesome kitchen scale!

  17. Barbara

    Thank you for your review.

  18. HaleysMom

    I’d never really thought about measuring flour by weight vs by cup, but considering I live in a very humid area, I could see where it would make a difference. Thanks for the information!

  19. Rain*

    Oh wow, this device would’ve been neat to have when I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant!

  20. Karen B

    I have never used a kitchen scale but this looks like a great product.

  21. francis485

    awsome review, i like the idea of having a scale in home for portion control when im trying to cut a couple pounds.

  22. TrinityMachael

    I SO need one of these. it would make my life so much easier.

  23. shari

    my mom would lloooooove this. so innovative n cute

  24. Jude Skocki Kelly

    I never thought of a kitchen scale for flour measurements. For portion control yes. I love that idea as for flour though. I know that 1 cup unsifted flour is entirely different than 1 cup sifted flour. My mother NEVER sifted her flour and almost everything was dry. A scale would totally work better for these measurements

    myfreebi3s at yahoo dot com

  25. Trisha McKee

    this is one thing that I’ve always wanted and this specific brand seems perfect!

    tridingermckee at gmail dot com

  26. Kelly King

    Great review I have been looking at these. Now I know which one to get

  27. Amber

    Oh my goodness! I want one!

  28. MichelleS

    I think a kitchen scale is a good tool to have for bakers.

  29. Coupons In Motion

    Looks like a great scale especially if you are baking/cooking from scratch and need precise measurements. Thanks for the review.

  30. jlapage

    Would like to win the wok; I like that it wipes clean! 🙂

  31. Anonymous

    I like that the scale has a timer and alarm.

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