Unending Devotion -Review

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing

Unending Devotion

Bethany House Publishers (September 1, 2012)


Jody Hedlund


Jody has written novels for the last 20 years (with a hiatus when her children were young). After many years of writing and honing her skills, she finally garnered national attention with her double final in the Genesis Contest, a fiction-writing contest for unpublished writers through ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers).

Her first published book, The Preacher’s Bride (2010 Bethany House Publishers), became a best seller and has won multiple awards.

Her second book, The Doctor’s Lady, released in September of 2011, and her third book, Unending Devotion, is out now. She’s currently busy researching and writing another book!

Jody has been married for twenty years to her college sweetheart. Jody has five children ranging in ages from 15 to 6, with a set of twin daughters in the mix to make things more lively.


High-Stakes Drama Meets High-Tension Romance

In 1883 Michigan, Lily Young is on a mission to save her lost sister, or die trying. Heedless of the danger, her searches of logging camps lead her to Harrison and into the sights of Connell McCormick, a man doing his best to add to the hard-earned fortunes of his lumber baron father.

Posing during the day as a photographer’s assistant, Lily can’t understand why any God-fearing citizen would allow evil to persist and why men like Connell McCormick turn a blind eye to the crime rampant in the town. But Connell is boss-man of three of his father’s lumber camps in the area, and like most of the other men, he’s interested in clearing the pine and earning a profit. He figures as long as he’s living an upright life, that’s what matters.

Lily challenges everything he thought he knew, and together they work not only to save her sister but to put an end to the corruption that’s dominated Harrison for so long.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Unending Devotion, go HERE.

My thoughts:  I was captivated by this book!  I did not want to put the book down and found myself guessing(sometimes wrongly) on what was going to happen next.  I fell totally in love with all of the characters and am ready to see what they do and where they go next in life!  You should read this book.  Follow Lily on her journey and meet all the fascinating people that she gets to know.  Make sure you watch our for her father figure.  He’s a bit protective!

I received a copy of this for free to read as part of the CFBA. However, all opinions in this post are mine and not influenced by others. I was not compensated in anyway for this review other than a copy of the book.

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  1. Fiddlin' Dandi

    Sounds like an interesting read! Thanks for posting.

  2. CelticLady

    Sounds like an interesting historical…thank you

  3. Katrina

    Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the review

  4. krystal rivera

    sounds reallll good right up my alley

  5. Becca S

    Sounds so good! Thanks for the great review! I love Christian fiction!

  6. Amber Longoria

    sounds like a good book. i might buy it!!

  7. Nan

    I love historical and Christian fiction. This sounds like a good combination.

  8. Karen Glatt

    This book sounds so interesting! I like that it is a good book to read! I am also stopping by for my daily comment to thank you for sponsoring the September Extreme cash giveaway! Have a great Saturday!

  9. DeDa Studios

    Sounds like a great read…pinned. Thanks

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