Mega Gift Card Follow Page- 1

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Marthalynn

    I think I’d choose a J Crew gift card!

  2. ChaosAndSilence

    walmart card for socks and boots foe the family

  3. Gina Alfani

    NOT WORKING . . . Easy entry for all insignificant at best fans on Facebook

  4. Hazel

    All significant at best not working for me either.

  5. ruthie1019

    all insignificant at best fans on Facebook its not working (ruth ramos)

  6. Dweath401

    Easy entry for all insignificant at best fans on Facebook not able to retrieve

  7. Chevelle Sopkin

    The link for insignificant at best is broken still. I see others have been having the same problem. Thought it wouldn’t hurt to update the timeline 🙂 Fan of all the rest! Thanks <3


    1. Stacy

      I had the same problem!

  8. cassi

    Easy entry for all insignificant at best fans on Facebook still not working

  9. Anonymous

    Entry for the all insignificant at best fans on Facebook still not working. Liked the rest.
    Kathy Ross

  10. Terri

    this error message for insignificant “Could not retrieve the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in.” liked all the rest.

  11. Cindy Merrill

    Went into Bing and checked to make sure I follow Insignifican At Best on Facebook, (link in form not working.)

  12. tami stasko

    insignificant at best not working ut I think I found it on FB and liked it

  13. mystro.sense

    i manually went to like insignificant at best also guys

    liked all thank you for giveaway!

  14. Anonymous

    I had trouble with insignificant but manually liked on facebook…

  15. Anonymous

    Not working for me either!~

  16. pennelope merriweather

    all insignificant at best not working..Thanks for this giveaway!

  17. Fiery Na

    I’d choose an Amazon one.

  18. Denise G


    insignificant at best not working

    ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

  19. Carolyn Colley

    Easy entry for all insignificant at best fans on Facebook is not working, I liked all the others

  20. Carolyn Colley

    Go to face book and search for :Insignificant at best”, I’m pretty sure this is the right one

  21. Valarie Gentry

    Manually went to like and liked it; rest via the form above

    vgentry86 at aol dot com

  22. Deb Dorrington

    I manually put it in on facebook and seems I already everyone!

  23. Stephanie

    Link Insignificant at best still not working but already like on facebook.

  24. Anita Anderson

    the link for all insignificant at best fans on FB not working

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