National Sticky Bun Day!

I just found out that today is National Sticky Bun day!  That sounds so good!

I wanted to share my cinnamon roll recipe.  It is gluten free but actually rises!  Woohoo, these were something I missed and am so glad this recipe worked out for us.  Hope you try it and it works for you too.  Easily make it dairy free with coconut milk and coconut oil instead of butter as well.

Cinnamon Roll Recipe

Don’t these look good?

Make sure to go on over and check out my recipe as well!

These may be some of the best gluten free dairy free cinnamon rolls you’ve ever eaten!!

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  1. jody cowan

    I love cinnamon rolls! Thanks for this!

  2. Isabella Grey

    0_0 This looks way too good to be any kind of healthy, lol.

  3. Norma Neal

    They look so good. I never knew there was national sticky bun day.

  4. Jessi Timmermans

    YUM sticky bun day! Next year can I come over to your house? these look great

  5. Gluten Free for Jen

    I love how big they are! I miss giant sized cinnamon rolls!

  6. Jaredamy

    Of course this look delicious! I have not been able to indulge as of lately, but sticky buns are a weakness!

  7. Char

    I love the easy and quick recipes.

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