Redeeming Grace -Review CFBA

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing

Redeeming Grace

Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas;
1st edition (February 28, 2013)


Ward Tanneberg


Ward Tanneberg is a pastor/writer/novelist who has given more than 50 years to evangelism, youth, college and pastoral ministry, including two Pacific Northwest churches and 23 years as the senior pastor at Valley Christian Center in Dublin, CA. In 2008, he was named President/Executive Director of The CASA Network. Ward speaks extensively at 50+ retreats and ministry leadership events in the USA and elsewhere. When at home he meets weekly with a group of business and professional leaders. He and Dixie have 2 children, 3 grandchildren, 4 step-grandchildren and a great grandson.


Seven years ago, Grace Grafton died in a boating accident while partying on the Georgia, South Carolina coast. Was her death the result of alcohol and drugs or something more sinister? Nobody knows: her body was never recovered. Now years later, a woman reads in disbelief the note addressed to her: Hello Grace, did you think we wouldn’t find you?

Those nine chilling words end Grafton’s self-imposed sanctuary of witness protection. Now she and everyone she loves are in grave danger. Long believed dead, she has a secret that can change the world. She knows the man running for president is guilty of a double murder! But who will believe her?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Redeeming Grace, go HERE.

My thoughts:  Wow!  Talk about a suspense packed book!  This guy can definitely deliver.  I had never heard of this author before or this book.  I am so glad that I was given the chance to read it.  I’ve always been a fan of mysteries and this ones is not lacking in the mystery department!   The question is–will Grace get out of this alive in the end or not?  Make sure to read the book to find out!

I received a copy of this book for free from CFBA for the purposes of this review.  I was not compensated in any other way for this post except for the copy of the book.  All thoughts and opinions are my own and not influenced in anyway.

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  1. DeDa Studios

    Mysteries I love to read on a windy chilly night laying in bed. Sounds like a good read.

  2. Gluten Free for Jen

    I love mysteries and haven’t heard of this guy either. Thanks!

  3. Coupons and Friends

    This sounds like my kind of book!! I love these:)

  4. Jaredamy

    This looks like a great suspenseful book! I would love to read this, but everytime I have time to read I end up falling fast asleep! I don’t need any sleeping pills just a book! lol

    1. Erin Slocum

      LOL, I can read and stay awake, but when it comes to watching a movie with my husband I fall asleep so fast!

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