Birth Relaxation Kit Giveaway

Birth. It is a most sacred event in a woman’s life. A right to passage to motherhood. Whether you birth at home or in a hospital, your body presents your long awaited gift…one that you’ve nurtured diligently. If there is one thing we can all agree on, all women labor differently and there are options to birth as compatibly as every laboring mom needs.

Hypnobirthing is one option that’s gentle and natural. Hypnobirthing is a childbirth method that applies techniques to induce deep relaxation, visualization and self-hypnosis. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not a state of unconsciousness or sleep, but can be best described as daydream or focus that occurs when you’re performing mundane tasks, such as staring into a fire in a fireplace.

Eliminating fear and concerns associated with childbirth is vital. Affirmations during hypnosis encourages a positive mindset in overcoming this. To learn more about hypnobirthing, you can sign up for hypnobirthing info series for free!

The Birth Relaxation Kit is the only hypnobirthing program presented by a board certified medical doctor who used this method to birth her child, at home, pain-free! Dr. Mavi Gupta and her husband, Jeremy Dyen are both certified hypnotherapists. Jeremy Dyen has been a professional musician for over 20 years. He has recorded on John Legend’s Grammy award winning CD, Get Lifted, and creates music for Yoga and meditation.

The Birth Relaxation Kit comes in three different packages; Basic, Plus and Deluxe. It comes with Hypnosis MP3s, Birth Affirmation MP3, Birth Empowerment Book and more! All downloadable with no shipping. You can purchase this yourself and get a 10 week, money back guarantee OR WIN IT HERE. All from the comfort of your home; no scheduling and all of the privacy needed to enjoy deep and true relaxation!

The Giveaway!

Just in time for Mother’s Day, TheOliveParent and Friends are offering TWO moms-to-be a chance to have a gentle birth! Two “Plus” Birth Relaxation Kits will be given away!

Entry is easy.

Visit and leave a comment on the blog you’re visiting. Tell us which one of the four facts found on the homepage speaks to you the most and why. Fill out as many entries as possible to increase your chances of winning.

Not expecting, but know someone who is?  Share this giveaway with them and refer your friends for entries! This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE, 18+ Giveaway ends 4/29/13 1:00 AM CST Entering into the giveaway indicates you understand its terms and conditions.
Many thanks to the AWESOME blogs co-hosting this giveaway! You can show your support of these blogs by following them on Twitter, Facebook & Google Plus.

This giveaway is sponsored by Birth Relaxation Kit, Hosted by TheOliveParent, and Co-Hosted by participating blogs. Prize fulfillment is not the responsibility of TheOliveParent, TheOliveParent Media or participating blogs.  All information and products presented in this post is presented in an educational format and has not been evaluated by the FDA – should not be used to cure, treat or diagnose any diseases.

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  1. MD Kennedy

    Cannot wait for this giveaway to start – would love to win it for my step-daughter who is due in May.

    1. Jeremy Dyen

      Best of luck to you! At the very least I encourage you to share the information/videos/articles on our website with your step-daughter.

  2. Kelley Johnsen

    I would say #4. I know that I would have done things differently with past births with more visualization, breathing, and not relying on medical standards.

    1. Jeremy Dyen

      …And once you have the “tools” it’s actually so easy…It’s more about retraining your mind and daily practice. Thanks for entering the contest.

  3. Danielle Whitfield

    1. Our mainstream birthing culture is fear-based. That fear causes tension and pain during pregnancy and birth. Birth is what you make of it. Our thoughts so powerful that they can actually cause, relieve and avoid physical discomfort and pain, effectively breaking the fear-tension-pain cycle. —–This is important for my next birth. I am trying to get pregnant now, and have not had my period this month so maybe we are. I had an epidural last time because I was so scared of the pain, so #4 is also important to me. I would love to be able to have a natural child birth and not be afraid of the pain that it could cause. It would be a wonderful miracle, though i believe my daughter was my first miracle.

  4. Jessica

    I could have used this! 😉

    1. Mavi

      Well, maybe someone you know still can 🙂

  5. Nikki Krutz

    the easy trick to help you relax and sleep during pregnancy because my friend is due with twins and very uncomfortable!

    1. Mavi

      Yes, sleep, esp in the last trimester is/was tough! But that easy trick in the Kit, plus my husband being so gracious and loving to give me a massage every night 🙂 really helped.

  6. Jessi Timmermans

    This would be such a wonderful gift for an expecting mom!

    1. Mavi

      Thanks for entering Jessi. We’re glad to offer it!

  7. Jessica Schank Snow

    I would say that, Birth is NOT something to be feared.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

    1. Mavi

      So True! I completely used to fear it. And with effort and practice I was able to ditch those fears. You’re very welcome for the giveaway. Please visit us!

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