Mama Approved Safe Nail Color by Piggy Paint Review #piggypaint

As a mommy I’m often asked by my girls to paint their fingernails.  I have no problem doing this and actually really like painting their nails.  I have a problem with the fact that I want to paint mine too, but don’t want to use the hot pink or green that my girls are using!  I prefer a bit more sophisticated look for myself.
I was very excited when I received the three mommy approved shades from Piggy Paint in the mail!   The first one I wanted to wear was the “red”.  This one(featured on my nails below) is called How Merlot Can You Go.  Love it!  I do have to say that when I put on my polish I want it to last so I did use one coat of basecoat, two coats of the polish, and one coat of the topcoat.  The basecoat and topcoat were not included in this review but can be purchased at Wal-Mart, off the Piggy Paint website or even off my favorite coop Azure Standard!  I was really excited when I realized that Azure is now selling my favorite nail polish!
The other two shades I received are a sophisticated pink called Candy Coated.  It’s not bright or bold but rather a subtle pink fit for a queen.  The last of the three shades is a deep purple.  This one is called Midnight Pansy.  I personally think they are pretty creative in their color names.  I’d just call them “deep purple” or something else less than cute!
Piggy Paint Mommy Approved Colors
Above you can see the three colors together.  Candy coated is in front with the Merlot and Pansy behind.

Week old nail polish.
This is the wonderful red after being on my nails for an entire week!  Can you tell why I love this stuff?  I am one of those people that will pick and pick and peel the polish off once it starts to chip so I like to get the longest wearing polish I can.  I love that these Piggy Paint products are so wonderful and last for a long time on my nails.  I’m not the nicest to my nails so this is really something for me.  I do lots of laundry and dishes plus living on a farm really doesn’t leave room for soft manicured looking hands.  My nails also stay fairly short so I’m not breaking them off!

Close up of the great Merlot color.  The only thing I found that seemed to dampen the color or take off any of the shine from these polishes was the acid from oranges.  I was helping the kids peel their oranges one day and realized that the two main fingers I was using to peel with had lost some of their topcoat.  So I simply added a new layer of topcoat and we were back to new color!
These shades of course are not just for mommies.  My oldest daughter is a lover of purple and has already tried to add my bottle of Midnight Pansy to her fingernail polish stash!  The next daughter is my lover of pink and she is claiming the Candy Coated as her own.  The Merlot is definitely my favorite which I find odd for me as I normally hate red fingernail polish.  This one however, meets with my whole hearted approval!
Like the colors as much as I do?  Make sure to head over to enter to win in my Mother’s Day Giveaway where one lucky winner will receive the above nail polish gift set as well as a Youngevity Picnic in the Park Mineral Makeup Collection!

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  1. Corsets

    This is really sweet!!! I love this blog.

  2. Jessi Timmermans

    We love piggy paint! It lasts a really long time without peeling off like other brands

  3. Sandra

    I need to get me some piggy paint! I love nail polish, just hate that it doesn’t last a while before peeling off! LOL

  4. Robin Wilson

    I can just imagine how much fun it would be to paint our nails with my little great-niece! Piggy Paint sounds great.

  5. GeorgiaBeckman

    Wow! I’m impressed with the way your color has stayed after a week! I thought Piggy Paint was just for kids!

  6. Tara

    My daughter and I paint our nails wit piggy paint all the time. And I don’t mind that she sucks her fingers while wearing it. Love this stuff!

  7. Mona

    My daughter LOVES nail polish and is really good about not picking at it so it looks nice and lasts a long time. She loves all different colors. Right now, she has pink on her fingernails and pastel green on re toes.

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