Proper Nutrition for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

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Did you know that proper nutrition is important not only while pregnant but also while breastfeeding?

I know this seems like a no brainer to most people but you’d be surprised the number of people who don’t have proper nutrition while pregnant let alone breastfeeding!  My key to making sure I’m getting proper nutrition to keep myself and baby healthy and happy is to taking a good prenatal.  I’ve tried several over the years and have finally found the one that I adore and am never without.

I have been pregnant or breastfeeding or both for over 9 years now.  With my first pregnancy I tried so many different prenatals and regular vitamins that just didn’t seem to work.  They’d make me sick, give me heartburn, or the pills were so big I couldn’t swallow them!  I felt so run down by the time I was pregnant with my second while still breastfeeding my first and going to college!  I didn’t know what I was going to do but knew I needed a new prenatal.  That’s when I found it!

Rainbow Light Prenatal Organic Multivitamin is my go to for proper nutrition for me!  It has so much stuff packed into those pills that even if you don’t eat completely healthy that day you’re still covered.  Of course, eating healthy should always be a part of your diet so don’t think you can quit eating while taking these!

Reasons why these are my favorites:
no nasty aftertaste and no burping!  (yes I’ve had that problem with others before)
energy!  There is an energy complex in these vitamins and I can attest that they do really help give you more energy!
liver and digestive support
allergen free: contains no shellfish, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, yeast, soy or gluten
free of artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, and additives

These vitamins are made solely of organic all natural whole foods.  This to me is key in the development of our sweet little babies.  Would you really want to feed your little one things that could have toxic pesticides on them?  I know I wouldn’t!  Yes I am a bit radical.  I have been called a freak for the stand I take on all natural and organic for my family, but it is what I believe.  I am not a vegan or a vegetarian, but I’m not going to make fun of them or be mean to them for how they want to eat.  If you want to eat GMO’s and pesticide laden things then I’m not going to browbeat you either, but since this is my blog and my post I am going to say what I believe so please don’t take offense.  If you don’t agree you don’t have to read this, I’m simply stating my beliefs and what I like.

Now that that is all out of the way(sorry but I had to say that to hopefully avoid nasty comments).  Let’s talk some more about these great vitamins. Liver support is very important for us whether we’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or just simply being a person on your own!  It is something that we truly don’t think about and don’t incorporate in our diet on purpose.  It’s not until we have a problem that we start to look into what we can do to help our liver. I prefer to help my liver before it needs help!

Not only do these vitamins provide the much needed folic acid, they also contain red raspberry leaf to tone the uterus and help make childbirth easier and help you bounce back faster.  It also has enzymes which are essential for us in breaking down our foods and maintaining a healthy happy body.  I know that when I forget to take my vitamins I feel it.  In these you also find some probiotics, but I recommend taking additional probiotics as well.  I’ll talk about my favorite probiotics as well in a separate post.

Oh and did I mention they contain ginger which helps to control nausea and vommitting in early pregnancy?  These to me are worth their weight in gold and then some!  It is recommended that you take 2-4 capsules daily and I always take 4 in the morning with a large glass of water when I get up before eating breakfast.

Shared:  Modest Mondays,

**This post does contain affiliate links.  If you click on those links and purchase something I will get a small commission.  This will be a blessing for our family and I would thank you; however, that is not the intent of this post.  I have written this post to hopefully help someone find better nutrition or the proper nutrition for them**

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  1. Couponing Away Debt

    Sounds much better than what I used to take when I was pregnant! I always had the issue of getting them down they were huge and would make me sick! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Link Fairy

    These sounds great! I used to take Prenatal Vit. even after I was pregnant to help strengthen my nails and make my hair shine 🙂

  3. Mama to 4

    Thank you for the info – I just had a baby 3 months ago and I nurse her.

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