Binky D Diapers Cloth Diaper Review

I don’t know about you guys, but I love the cute cloth diapers that are available for our children these days.  When I started cloth diapering my first child it was still prefolds and those horrid plastic pants!  Oh I hated those plastic pants!  Now there are so many different designs of diapers and ways to diaper.

I recently received and reviewed a new diaper with my youngest.  She’s 2 months now and a better sleeper than any of her brothers and sisters were at this age!  But as much as that is a blessing it’s also a bit of a problem when you cloth diaper.  She doesn’t wake up much so she doesn’t get changed much and leaks do happen.  That is why I am so thankful for Binky D Diapers!  These are wonderful.  They have the absorbency of bamboo with the leak stopping power of the best cover all the while still being able to show their pretty colors!

Binky D Diapers was created by Ashley after she had started cloth diapering her 9 month old baby.  She loved the new styles and designs.  Her slogan has always been “Cool Cloth Diapers for the Modern Baby”.  Now she offers those wonderful “cool” popular prints for all to own!

The base price for one of her one size diapers(which is what I reviewed) is $28.  She also offers up newborn diapers as well which are so adorable with their snap down navels.  I loved newborn cloth diapers personally because of how cute they are.  Technically you can use a one size on a newborn, but I prefer to use the newborn on the newborns and then switch to the one size diapers.

Why buy those pretty fitteds when you’re just going to cover them up?  Really the reason to wear cute fluff is to show it off after all!

Binky D Diapers are hybrid fitteds which allows you the wonderful absorbent ability of a fitted with the leakproof power of your PUL covers but without a cover!   I have always had a love hate relationship with fitteds because of the leaking that they would do without a cover.  Now I can have my wonderful fitteds at night without the extra heat of a cover on my babe.

If you cloth diaper you’ll understand why this is excellent!  Also with this diaper you have a double snap in soaker.  The upper soaker is a snake style.  All are bamboo and cotton fleece topped.  The snake style is where it is twice as long as the diaper so you fold it under to double the absorbency.  Then you have the under soaker which is a singled soaker.  Both are bamboo with the upper soaker having cotton fleece on the top and bottom while the other only has the fleece on the top.  The cover portion of the diaper is simply an inner of cotton velour with a hidden layer of poly fleece plus the adorable outer.

I have to admit I’ve been checking out their facebook page regularly to see when they are stocking.  Unfortunately, I missed their last one.  Now I have to wait to see what great new colors and diapers they are going to be making!  They sell their diapers on a hyena cart page which allows everyone access to buy them.  Sad for us, they don’t make and sell a bulk amount of them.  I’d love to add a few more to my collection of diapers!  Oh and don’t forget to follow them on twitter to see what they have to say and when they will be releasing new diapers!

Oh and they also have a wonderful line of Nigh D Night diapers which are specially formulated for night time wear for you little squish.  During the day I’m not a fan of bulk and tend to change our diapers regularly to keep our bum dry, but like I said night time is a bit different around here.  With previous babies I’ve used fitteds and colors as well as covers and prefolds.  I love the absorbency of the fitted without having to cover the cuteness with a cover!

Also looking on their hyena cart page I’ve noticed reinforced undies which would be fabulous for potty training!  I’m almost done potty training my last “older” girl and this little still has a year at least before she’s ready to toilet train so I’m going to have to keep these in mind for later use!

Make sure to pop over and give them a like on facebook, follow on twitter, and favorite on hyena cart.  I know you’ll have a love of these diapers just as we do!

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