Intentional Parenting #bookreview #booksneeze
Do you ever wonder if you’re doing it right? If you’re making the right choices with parenting? Well, if so then make sure to check out this book to help answer your questions.
The main focus on the book is to understand yourself and your child. If you can do this, then you can parent and parent well. With God as the center of your family it only gets easier.

Now wait! I did not just say that parenting is easy. Far from it! I am a parent too you know. I have 9 kids and I can say that there isn’t anything easy about parenting. Oh wait, well maybe that’s a lie, giving and receiving their love and hugs is pretty easy. And pretty sweet too.
The book is 12 chapters long(256 pages). First it helps you discover you. Next it helps you take your healthy whole person and guides you into being a better parent. Through the new understanding of yourself you have a better understanding of your children.
This is something I think should be given as a present to all new parents. It is a wonderful book and I do think it has helped me to be a better parent. It has made me more conscious of what I’m saying to my children and how it makes them feel. Both verbal and non-verbal.
The book is written by Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Melissa Trevathan. They work together at Daystar Counselling in Tennessee. They counsel children and their parents and decided to put their vast knowledge and wisdom in a book so that all parents could have access to it and not just those coming to them.
I received a copy of this book for free from BookSneeze in exchange for this review. However, all thoughts, opinions, and words are my own and not influenced in anyway.
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