Zondervan Homeschool Mom’s Bible -TOS Review #hsreviews

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I love reviewing with the TOS Crew.  I love it even more when they sneak in reviews for the mom’s!  This is one such review.  Today I’m sharing about a Bible.  Yes that’s right a Bible.  A Bible specially made for homeschool mom’s who are short on time and patience and need to read the Bible probably more than others at that point to help us maintain sanity!  Okay, well maybe that’s just me!

Zondervan has come out with a new Bible titled, The Homeschool Mom’s Bible.  It is available in both NIV and KJV as well as an E-Bible.  It also comes in hardback or leather.  I received the hardback copy of the KJV Bible to review and am in bliss.  Loving this Bible.  I prefer hardcover to softcovers as the softcovers tear so easily it seems.  I’m not an E-Bible reader as I love the physical feel of books.  So this is perfect for me!

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The KJV and NIV versions of the Homeschool Mom’s Bible are $34.99 while the leather editions of both Bibles are $49.99 with the E-Bible costing $14.99.  Crew members received only the NIV and KJV Bibles to review but the other editions are available on the Zondervan website for purchase.
Mom’s will be blessed when reading this Bible.  Not only does it contain the entire Bible in the selected version, but it also contains 365 devotions aimed directly at the homeschooling mom and what she deals with.  The devotions are meant to revive and restore as they help keep the focus for Mom, the teacher and mother.
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 The devotions are written by Janet Tatman who also shares the distinction of being a former homeschool mother as well.  With over 25 years of homeschooling under her belt, these devotions are to help maintain the focus as well as help deal with the pressures of homeschooling while keeping up with the housework and other motherly/wifely duties.
A foreword by Vickie Harris also included.  Vickie is the wife of Michael Farris who founded the Homeschool Legal Defense Association as well as an author and homeschool mom.
This Bible, in whatever version, is specifically meant for the Homeschool Mom by Zondervan and one of the only ones out there to claim that title.  Since it is designed for homeschooling mom’s there isn’t an age limit per say, just anyone who is or is thinking or has been a homeschooling mom.  
I have enjoyed having this Bible to read and study with.  With school starting back up in our house lately I have been overwhelmed.  Well, it’s kind of easy to overwhelm me in the first place, but this is worse.  I have two second graders, two first graders, two kindergarteners, and two preschoolers plus a 4 month old.  Oh and a house to run, allergy friendly food to prepare.  Yikes!  Can you see me pulling my hair out!  Anyway back on topic.  I had given up any hope of doing devotionals really for the first month or two(or the entire year) of school because I was meeting myself coming and going and just couldn’t see where I’d fit it in.

So back to the Bible.  I am enjoying this because in the read the Bible in a year plan you get a devotional a day!  Yes that’s right I get my daily Bible reading as well as my devotional all in one!  Woohoo!  I love multi-tasking and this one totally does not make me feel guilty!

I can very easily see this becoming my favorite Bible.  Well. . . . my main Bible.  The other Bible I have that is solely mine is an old one that I got for my high school graduation with my maiden name on it and it’s a teen Bible in NIV.  I prefer KJV.  Not a huge deal but the little things are important too.  I love having a “grown up” Bible!

I am hoping to start a new Bible study soon as we’re settling into a routine around our house, a weird crazy routine but a routine none the less, and I’m longing to start some of the study books I have sitting around the house.  School isn’t just for kids.  Adults should do school too, but our school isn’t all reading/writing/arithmetic like theirs is.  Our school is getting closer to God and living in His word, the only way to do that is to keep ourselves in it and study it.

What Bible study are you planning on starting next?  I picked up a copy of Desperate lately and am ready to dive in!  I’ll share my journey with you if I can find the time(giggling about free/spare time here) and would love to hear if you’re doing a study and what Bible you use.

I am highly recommending this Bible.  It is very down to Earth in the devotionals, and definitey pertains to the life of a homeschool mom.  Well, any mom really if you want to be truthful would like this Bible.  Check it out and decide if it’s right for you.  Some randoms:  I love the cover on my Bible.  It really is a very nice design and artwork.  I also was surprised to note that the NIV has a different cover than the KJV so you can easily tell the versions apart if you are in a store purchasing them.

Make sure to stop by the Main Crew Blog Post and read everyone else’s reviews as well.  Some were like me and reviewed the KJV and others received the NIV  but I’m sure we’ll all have different perspectives and things that we loved/didn’t love to tell you about.  Me, well I love the whole thing(or at least the amount I’ve read in the last few weeks) and have nothing bad to say about the Bible.  Maybe some day I’ll come across something I don’t agree with, but the great thing is that I don’t have to agree with it all!

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