Thanksgiving Soup #goodcookkitchenexprt Recipe #61

Now that you’ve made your Turkey Stock you can use it to make a nutritive soup to use up more of those Thanksgiving leftovers and have some delicious soup in the freezer for when anyone is sick and needs some comforting soup.
Turkey stock broth(you can use however much of this you want, I used 14 cups)
2 lb coined carrots
1 lb millet
1 lb sweet corn
1 lb peas
chopped herbs for seasoning to taste(I used basil, oregano, thyme, and a bit of tarragon)
1 large turkey breast chopped into bite size pieces
1 large clove garlic minced
Put everything together in the stock pot and let it cook.  I let mine cook for at least 24 hours on a low setting.  Not simmer, but low.  It helps get all the flavors working well together and the millet to cook.  You can add rice instead of millet, but we like the difference in flavors that millet brings as we tend to use a lot of rice.
Serve with some soft fresh baked Italian bread for a great meal.  I like to garnish mine with a bit more basil and oregano from my window plants as well.
Now to add to this as part of the Good Cook challenge for Thanksgiving leftovers I was to use the tools they sent to make something.  Well other than the turkey pan to cook the turkey, so far I hadn’t used any of their devices in this tried and true favorite.  So. . . . I decided to show you how I like to freeze the leftover soup in order to have some good soup for when just one or two of the kids are sick and I don’t have the time to make a new big pot of soup.  
It’s really simple!
You only need a muffin tin and a plastic bag or container.
Fill each section of the muffin tin with soup until it is at the brim.
Now you simply place the muffin tin in the freezer in the flash freeze area(if it’s a refrigerator freezer it’s normally the top section) until frozen.
Bring out of the freezer.
Release the “muffin” soups from the pan and either bag them or put them in a container and place back in the freezer for future use!
Yeap it’s as easy as that!
You’ll never go back to canned chicken and rice again.  Trust me.  This stuff is good!

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