Simply 7 Snack Squad Review

So if you’ve read my blog much you will have seen that I have done reviews for Simply 7 before. I have reviewed their first line as well as their quinoa line. Now I am a member of their pilot Snack Squad! As a member of the Simply 7 Snack Squad, I received a box of chips for my dining pleasure! I also received a novelty bag that has my chosen picture and wording on it! Woohoo! How cool is that!
Simply 7 chips are natural and actually healthy. They have a wide variety of flavors as well as main ingredients. I prefer the quinoa line, but their hummus and lentil chips are awesome too! I have yet to actually try the pomegranate ones though, so I look forward to that! They’re natural, they’re delicious, they’re good for you, so when you eat the WHOLE bag by yourself, you don’t have to feel bad about it! In my box I received some yummy chips to eat besides my sealed bag. One of those bags is a flavor of pomegranate! Can’t wait to eat those babies and see what they taste like!

You can enter to be a member of the Simply 7 Snack Squad simply by going HERE and entering your information. Super simple! And each month they choose a member to win their own free snack pack as well! You can also have a birthday surprise and coupons! Everyone loves free coupons!

Because Simply 7 is a wonderful company they are offering for 10 of my readers(as well as other blogs readers) to win their own Snack Squad pack! Your pack will be the same as mine except you get to specify what you want on your bag and what your flavor would be! My flavor of choice is the Quinoa Barbecue. My little almost one year old loves that one as well. Just enough sweet and tangy at the same time, it’s perfect. Make sure to check back on the 28th to enter for your chance to win!
Simply 7 Snack Squad Giveaway | For Him and My Family
[…] below for your chance to be one of the lucky winners! You will receive all that I did in this REVIEW. […]
Heidi G
I love Simply 7 products!! They are amazing!! 🙂
Erin S.
I know! I just wish that they were sold in a store near me.
We love Simply7 chips!
Erin S.
Us too! So so good and good for you to boot!
Char W.
Love the picture on your bag. It looks classic and timeless.
Erin S.
Thanks so much!
Krista B
I LOVE Simpy 7 – so yummy and made of great ingredients! I love your Snack Squad bag!
Erin S.
My favorite is the ingredient list. You can read them all!
I love Simply 7! I totally love your chip bag too!
Erin S.
Thanks! I like it too!