2015 Word of the Year -Focus

If you followed along last year my word of the year for 2014 was Praise. This year I have chosen a new word. A word that I want to use on all areas of my life. My 2015 word of the year is going to be Focus.
I want to focus more on all the aspects of my life. Focus on my walk with God. Focus on my husband and kids. Focus on my health. Focus on what I’m doing. Focus on the schoolwork with the kids. Focus on how I’m spending our money. I think you get the point by now.
Do you want to FOCUS with me this year? Make your 2015 word of the year Focus as well and start focusing on what is important in your life. Don’t let the trivials get to you. Don’t focus on what won’t matter tomorrow. Focus on what is important. Focus on the good things. Let this be your year to let go of the struggles, let go of the worries, and focus on all the good and positive. Focus on what you need to be doing for the day and let the rest take care of itself for a while!
Some things that motivated me to make my 2015 word of the year focus are that I really want to lose weight this year and be healthier. My health is important. I’ve come to realize that I have to take care of myself in order to better care for my family. Whether that is wearing makeup to feel more confident or showering daily or simply exercising for a few minutes a day, this is something I need! I need to FOCUS on me. And more than just that I need to FOCUS on my relationship with God and a personal quiet time. Too often life gets busy and kids wake up way too early and the alone time with God is forgotten.
What are you working on for this year? Do you have a word or a goal for 2015?
I’d love to hear!
Debbie Denny
I do like your word. My word is Grace. I like this so much better that resolutions every year.
Erin S.
Yes! So much better than New Years resolutions.
Debbie L.
Patience is my word for 2015. I need to remind myself to be patient – if it is meant to be it will be.
Focus is good – I could use lots of focus! LOL
Erin S.
Yes I am normally short on patience by the end of the day too.
Char W
I really love this and it’s a very fitting word for the year. With the way things change throughout our lives daily we all need to focus more.
Erin S.
Thanks! I started on the word of the year journey last year and really think it’s a great idea.
I don’t have a word for the year but I plan on getting more into reading the bible. I am already starting with an online study where they are going through the book of John. Then we just joined a bible group that is going to go through the book “The Story”. There are other things but those will make this longer than it already is lol
Erin S.
Love that! I wish our church did Bible studies! I’d love to join a women’s Bible study.
Focus is a good one. I could use a little more of that in my life.
Erin S.
I think we all could. I’m really going to be working on it this year.
I like you word, I could do with some more focus right now. I think my word should be Patience – I have very little of it and really need to take a step back and let things happen if its meant to be 🙂
Erin S.
I stopped asking for patience a long time ago. It seems the only way to get more is to be tested and need it!