Uniquely Common

Uniquely Common

Uniquely Common


About the Book Uniquely Common


Uniquely Common


Book: Uniquely Common

Author: Caryl McAdoo

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: April 4, 2019

Steel sharpens steel, but will its sparks ignite unfailing love?  Find out in Uniquely Common. 

Instead of living a pampered life on the civilized east coast with a new husband, rejection compels Christina Adams westward with her widowed brother and his two daughters. Harboring ulterior motives, Ethan Cord, the man her brother hires to accompany the family, is more a match for her, and he appears almost perfect, but how could she possibly trust her instincts about him when she’d been so wrong about her previous fiancé? Will her past ruin her future?

Click here to purchase your copy.

My Thoughts on Uniquely Common:

I’ve read books by this author before.  She has a unique style all her own and lovable characters.  They hook you in quickly and the books then read quickly as well.  This is no exception and it moved very quickly for me.  Before I knew it I was reading the sneak peeks at the end and wish I had them to read already as well. 

In Uniquely Common we meet Christina Adams who describes herself over and over as merely uniquely common.  But in reality, she is anything but.  She just can’t see herself that way after her fiance left her to pursue a woman with a title.  He didn’t snag the one he wanted but he’s also not coming crawling back.  Add in the horror of the fact that she didn’t see him for what he was and the fact that she let him kiss her when they became engaged and she’s mortified!

Now Christina is going to accompany her brother and two nieces across the country to California to start a vineyard.  It could be worse I guess, at least they’re not searching for gold.  But it does get worse!  Her brother hires some man to go with them to drive a wagon.  The worst part is he didn’t even ask her thoughts on the matter.  

It soon becomes apparent to Christina that this man is not what he seems.  In fact, he’s really almost perfect and she finds herself falling for him.  When she learns he really is human with faults can she see her way past his past?  Can she let herself love him?  And will he ever propose?

I highly recommend you read this book and any others by this author that you can find.  You’re going to love them and they’re nice quick reads in my opinion.  No murder and mystery though you might find yourself playing a mean hand of poker. 

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.  All opinions expressed are my own.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations. 

About the Author


Uniquely Common


Award-winning author Caryl McAdoo prays her story brings God glory, and her best-selling novels—over forty published—delight Christian readers around the world. The prolific writer also enjoys singing the new songs the Lord gives her—listen to a few at YouTube. Sharing four children and eighteen grandsugars with Ron, her high-school-sweetheart-husband of fifty years, she lives in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas. The McAdoos wait expectantly for God to open the next door.

More from Caryl

I’m so excited about this year’s Lockets and Lace story! I’ve fallen in love with its characters. Asher and his sister Christina, his girls Samantha and Patricia, and his friend, Ethan Cord is certainly a man’s man though he has a checkered past to overcome.

His wife dies in childbirth, leaving him with two little girls, then when his parents pass, too, what’s to tie Asher Adams to New York?

His younger sister Christina is about to be settled into her new life, married and well cared for, so there’s nothing holding the wine merchant back from his dreams of owning a vineyard in the Napa Valley. He decides a new life in the west is the best thing for him and his daughters.

Then at the last minute, the family is turned upside down when the rogue engaged to Christina dumps her and calls the wedding off. Asher’s already sold the brownstone. She suddenly has nowhere to go and no one to watch over her if he leaves.

She never wanted to, but he insists her only choice is to go with them, accompany him and her nieces and make her new life in California . . . and he knows the perfect man for her, too!

One thing I love about this book is that as it draws to its end in Saint Joseph, Missouri, a new young woman is introduced, Remi, and her book—my May ‘Prairie Roses Collection’ story REMI—continues with the Adams family and segues into a new romance!

I hope readers will love that as well, praying my story gives God glory!

Blog Stops for Uniquely Common

Through the Fire Blogs, April 23

Chas Ray’s Book Nerd Corner, April 24

Splashes of Joy, April 25

D’S QUILTS & BOOKS, April 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 27

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, April 28

Bigreadersite, April 28

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 29

For Him and My Family, April 30

Texas Book-aholic, May 1

janicesbookreviews, May 2

A Reader’s Brain, May 3

KarenSueHadley, May 4

Inklings and notions, May 5

The Becca Files, May 6

Giveaway for Uniquely Common


Uniquely Common


To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away

Grand Prize $50 Amazon Gift Card

1st Place – Print copy of UNIQUELY COMMON

2nd place – eBook copy of UNIQUELY COMMON

3rd place – Choice eBook of Caryl’s FORTY+ titles!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. https://promosimple.com/ps/de84/uniquely-common-celebration-tour-giveaway

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  1. Caryl McAdoo

    Hello, Erin! I wanted to thank you so much for choosing my book to read when there’s so many choices out there! I appreciate you being a part of my Celebrate Lit Blog Tour, and loved your review! I’m so glad you enjoyed Uniquely Common and all my stories! God bless you for blessing me so! Hugs!

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for writing such great books! Remi is on my to be read next pile!

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