



About the Book Daybreak




Book: Daybreak

Author: Beckie Lindsey

Genre: YA Fiction

Release Date: July, 2019

Every girl has a secret she hopes the light will never find—

but the demons already have.

Krystal, Mackenzie, Tammi, and Sadie fight a spiritual battle between unseen forces of good and evil that reaches deadly proportions.

When Krystal’s relationship with lifelong friend, Bryce, turns romantic, she is faced with the most important decision of her life. No matter her choice—everything will change forever.

As the friends rally to help Krystal, they each face their own battles against the forces of darkness and within themselves.

When tension between the group and members of a rock band continue to escalate, only time will tell which bonds will grow stronger and which will break.

“The thief comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.”

Click here to get your copy.

My Thoughts on Daybreak:

This is a novel like I’ve never read. It includes everyday life but also the battle between the angels and demons on our behalf every day.  Whether you believe this to be true and happening around us or not it makes for an interesting read. 


This book contains lots of trigger topics.  You have abortion, incest, mental health issues, teenage pregnancy, and so much more.  I was shocked at the amount of triggers that were in this book.  None of it made it a book that I could not read, but I do want you to be aware that they are there.  The book also starts with a warning to all about what is contained within the pages so no one is taken unawares.  

The focus group for this novel is going to be a young adult.  I’m not sure that I would let my young adults read it though.  My oldest is 14 and I don’t think I’m ready to have her reading this book.  I would pinpoint it for the older young adult crowd.  Say 17-19 or so for the age range.  

This is the third novel in a series.  I have not read the first two.  While there were some things that I scratched my head a bit about, they were explained in a quick overview so I didn’t feel too lost.

While this isn’t the sort of book I normally read it was a good book.  It had lots of parts that make you think and question how you’d handle something.  As the mom of three young teenage girls, it really had me thinking how I would handle the situations that occur as the parent versus when I was younger I would have thought about it from the view of the girls.  

This book does get my recommendation but do go into it knowing that while you are going to love the characters that there will be hard topics.  Also, know that it doesn’t resolve everything.  I’m not sure if another book is planned or if it’s just left open for you to create your own endings.  It’s been a long time since I read young adult fiction so this might be the new thing too!

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.


About the Author of Daybreak




Beckie Lindsey is an award-winning author, poet, blogger, and the editor of Southern California Christian Voice, a division of One Christian Voice, a national news syndicating agency. She is a major coffeeholic and enjoys a good book with a cat on her lap. She also loves to hike and hang out with family and friends. Beckie and her husband, Scott have three adult children, two adorable cats and live in California.

More from Beckie

Why I write YA and the BFA series

I believe a teenager still exists inside each of us.

We hear a familiar tune from our “glory days” and are instantly tapping our toes. Mentally, we’re back in high school —poofy bangs, scrunchie, neon off-the-shoulder sweatshirt — and all. Oh, wait. That’s me back in the ‘80s!

Ah, yes. There is something wonderfully awful about those coming-of-age years.

From the first kiss to the first breakup, there are memories we cherish and some we don’t care to ever revisit. Being a teen can be exciting, confusing, painful, joyous, or even all of those things at once!

No matter how different your teenage experience was from mine, one thing is true for us all: these years have an enormous impact on who we become as adults. We can all sympathize with the plight of puberty and the longing for independence and acceptance. Yeah, there’s still a teenager in all of us!

These are the reasons I write YA.

My hope is to use the power of storytelling to move past barriers and open hearts to accept how much God loves and desires a personal relationship with us.

At every age, we all need the grace and love of Jesus.

In the Beauties from Ashes (BFA) series, I write about relatable characters with difficult issues and traumatic pasts to enlighten readers about the unseen spiritual battle referred to in Scripture. Each character has a secret that has left them vulnerable to the battle in an invisible realm where demonic creatures fight to keep them chained to their pasts and angels of light work to free them.

The characters and their issues are complex, just like real life. In fact, some of the topics are often considered too taboo to talk about openly. But what is left in the dark, festers and grows. It is only in the light that we can be free. In the BFA series, readers experience the character’s quest for truth, love, grace, and freedom while hopefully finding the same for themselves.


Blog Stops for Daybreak


Genesis 5020, December 23

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 24

Simple Harvest Reads, December 24 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, December 25

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 26

Emily Yager, December 27

Through the Fire Blogs, December 28

Where Christ & Crisis Collide, December 29

Blogging With Carol, December 30

For Him and My Family, December 31

Artistic Nobody, December 31 (Author Interview)

Remembrancy, January 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 2

janicesbookreviews, January 3

A Reader’s Brain, January 4

Inklings and notions, January 5

Giveaway for Daybreak




To celebrate her tour, Beckie is giving away the grand prize of a $20 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.

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  1. Calvin

    Sounds excellent, I like YA genre books.

  2. Rita Wray

    Sounds like a great book.

  3. Emma

    This sounds pretty intense. Good YA books are hard to find.

    1. Erin S.

      They really are. I don’t remember having this much trouble when I was a young adult.

  4. James Robert

    I appreciate getting to hear about your book. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Caryl Kane

    Sounds like a great series! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Melissa Wenger

    Looks like it does touch a lot of sensitive topics…not sure I would let a younger teen read it either.

    1. Erin S.

      It’s definitely a personal choice but I tend to err on the side of cautious.

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