Live Without You

Live Without You

Live Without You

Celebrate Lit Promo Blast


Live Without You


Promo InformationTitle: Live Without You

Author: Sarah Grace Grzy

Blurb for Live Without You:

Piper Redding is a loner, but lonely. Everyone she loves has abandoned her and opening her heart to others is just asking for more pain. She can’t help but blame herself for her brother’s tragic death six years ago, and in her guilt, she shuts herself off from the world.

No one could love her—not even the God who promised to be there for her but wasn’t.

For paramedic Ezra Bryant, failure is not an option. He’s had enough of it, and only by god’s grace is he able to put it behind him. But when a traumatic event brings Piper’s greatest fear and Ezra’s failures to light, can they use that event to allow God to mend their broken pieces?

Can love triumph over fear, and grace over guilt?


Live Without You


Author Bio:

Sarah Grace Grzy is a voracious reader, and if it weren’t for this crazy thing called ‘Life,’ she’d be tempted to spend all her days in front of a wood stove, book in one hand, coffee mug in the other.

A lover of learning, she finds enjoyment in many things and has more hobbies than she knows what to do with.

Sarah Grace is a freelance web and graphic designer, and when not working, spending time with her ever-growing family, or reading, she can be found painting, playing the piano, or fangirling with her sisters and friends.

Sarah Grace inhabits the State of Great Lakes, and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else–unless it meant she could have a baby penguin, in which case, she’d gladly move to the south Pole.

Instagram, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest: @sarahgracegrzy

Purchase Link:


My Thoughts on Live Without You:

Get ready to love this short novella! Live Without You is a fast read that will warm your heart and have you watching to see what this author will do next!
I love the author bio.  I too would sit all day cozied up by my woodstove drinking coffee and reading if I could.  Alas, my children say that they like to eat and I’d prefer they not tear the whole house down.  So no reading all day for me.
This cover is goals guys.  It’s gorgeous and is the reason I agreed to review this book.  Luckily the story is just as gorgeous as the cover so I don’t have to regret my decision.
The characters are fun and loveable.  Their banter will have you laughing.  God’s love is evident.  And there is romance!
More than just that though, there are some deep topics written about and delved into in this book.  You’ve got death/loss, grieving, opening yourself up to others, and learning to trust.
Plus there are some just plain fun and funny spots.  And the kitten is adorable!
Go grab a copy and settle down next to the woodstove for a quick read with a cup of coffee or tea. 
I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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