Climbing Into Eternity

Climbing into Eternity

Climbing into Eternity


About the Book Climbing into Eternity


Climbing into Eternity


Book: Climbing into Eternity: My Descent In Hell and Flight To Heaven

Author: Michele Pulford

Genre: Non-Fiction

Release Date: April 2018

“I died twice and came back to tell about it.”

Michele flirted with death for six years, trying to numb her pain following a sexual pervert’s attack. Attempting to protect herself, she allowed hatred of men to control her and used mind control to manipulate others. Suffering from acute anorexia nervosa, she was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital at age twenty-three.

She woke up in hell, a place of eternal damnation, horror, torment, and fire. Rescued by the Savior whose soft, gentle voice she had rejected, Michele was given a new chance at life and turned wholeheartedly to the Lord.

When her body was completely paralyzed from an anaphylactic allergy attack as a young mother, she found life leaving her body once again. “This time,” she says, “I was ushered into the splendorous glory of Heaven—a place of almost indescribable light and love.”

Sent back to tell her story, Michele Pulford warns others of the horrors of the kingdom of darkness and tells them of the glory of true abundant life in God’s kingdom of light.

This personal love story, as well as a story about death and eternal life, is both a warning and a promise, and ultimately an unforgettable account of the love of God that would not let a young woman go.

Click here to get your copy.


My thoughts on Climbing into Eternity:

I don’t read a lot of non-fiction currently as reading is a bit of an escape for it.  It helps me to release some of the stress of our life here and just enjoy quiet in my mind for a while.

This is a non-fiction book that really makes you think.  No hiding away in this book as it’s going to challenge you and make you take a closer look at your life.  

While this is a non-fiction book it is also a bit graphic in that it describes a lot of what the author went through.  This includes being sexually attacked, abusive relationships, and her eating disorders.  I think this would be a really good book for someone struggling with eating disorders.

Also in this book are descriptions of what the author experienced going to heaven and hell when she was pronounced dead and then came back to life.

There were definitely parts of this book that I did not enjoy, but there were also some really good nuggets of wisdom to be had.  It will make you think about your life and question whether your actions are leading you to heaven and God or not. 

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.


About the Author of Climbing into Eternity


Climbing into Eternity


Michele Pulford trained and worked as a fashion designer and textile lecturer from 1982 to 2009. After attending evening Bible school, she was further trained at MES Aksie, an evangelical missions ministry, before doing missionary outreach and relationship building among the locals in the Maghadighadi Pans of Botswana from 1990 to 1996. A marketplace intercessor and teacher on prayer, she makes her home with her husband Charles in South Africa. Their family consists of a son Cyle-jay, his wife Natasha, and grandson, Asher Ethan; and a daughter Brontii-ann.

More from Michele

After a sexual pervert’s attack at ten years of age, I invited evil into my life. I became an embittered, hateful teenager consumed by acute anorexia with murderous hate towards men. This led me into an abusive marriage of two years which ended with a failed murder attempt. Due to my failure, I landed up DOA at my local hospital from premeditated suicide. On dying, I was taken to the evil and fiery demon invested accusing, tormenting pit of hell. It was here where the miraculous Light and Life of Jesus ripped through and rescued me.

I began my new life with my best friend, the Holy Spirit. Miraculously I married my high school sweetheart. The miraculous continued when after being declared completely barren, God’s love and grace stepped in resulting with me giving birth to a son and a daughter. Our family joy was shadowed by my soul-destroying bulimic addiction which God’s grace eventually set me free from. The life-death challenges did not end there. I found myself in an intense battle with witchdoctors as well with the dangers of onset anaphylactic attacks. It was one of these attacks that found me dying once again, with my husband and doctor watching. This time I was taken to the gates of heaven and glory. This is my story of life and death, heaven and hell, blessing and cursing.


Blog Stops for Climbing into Eternity

Texas Book-aholic, January 23

janicesbookreviews, January 24

Simple Harvest Reads, January 25 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 27

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 28

A Baker’s Perspective, January 29 (Author Interview)

Spoken from the Heart, January 30

Inklings and notions, January 31

My Devotional Thoughts, February 1 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, February 2 (Guest Review from Kelsey Barela)

For Him and My Family, February 3

For the Love of Literature, February 4 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, February 5


Giveaway for Climbing into Eternity


Climbing into Eternity


To celebrate her the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card and ‘signed’ copy of Climbing Into Eternity, My Descent In Hell and Flight To Heaven!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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  1. Debbie P

    This book sounds like an incredible read. Great cover!

  2. James Robert

    I appreciate getting to hear about  a book new to me. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway.

  3. Melissa Wenger

    It does look like a book that would make you think about your own life!

  4. Caryl Kane

    Great review!

  5. Rachel Taylor

    I’ve never read a book like thisbefore. I know it would make me uncomfortable but that is often what God uses to draw me to Him. Thank you for giving your honest review.

    1. Erin S.

      Yes, sometimes what we really need it to get uncomfortable with our life.

  6. Emma

    This sounds pretty intense.

    1. Erin S.

      It is. It’s a good book but definitely one you need to read knowing what’s going to be in it.

  7. Julie Waldron

    Sounds like a good book, an inspiring read.

  8. Dianna

    I don’t read nonfiction very often. If I do, I try to find something uplifting and educational.

    1. Erin S.

      Yes, I want it to be educational too.

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