The Sugar Baron’s Ring

The Sugar Baron’s Ring

The Sugar Baron’s Ring


About the Book The Sugar Baron’s Ring


The Sugar Baron’s Ring


Book: The Sugar Baron’s Ring

Author: Lorri Dudley

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: June 23, 2020

A ring is her only tie to a distant homeland, until a marooned Englishman anchors her heart.

Hannah Rose Barrington is the island misfit. Orphaned at a young age, Hannah struggles to provide for her future, while her guardian, a weak-hearted island drunk, bleeds Hannah of her father’s inheritance. Caught between the classes of elite planters and white beggars, Hannah yearns to find a place to belong.

University life has never been Bradlee Granville’s forte. His only hope to graduate is to impress his professors by documenting his travels. After claiming unforeseeable circumstances, he delays his final exams and sets out early on his Grand Tour. However, when his ship wrecks off the coast of the Leeward Islands, Bradlee is left without means to return to England, a mounting deadline, and ruined journals.

When Hannah rescues passengers from a ship breaking apart in the bay, she’s unexpectedly drawn to the witty charm of one of the men. Helping him settle into island life will be a pleasure. However, as creditors, like sharks, begin to circle and her guardian’s desperation becomes life-threatening, Hannah finds herself in need of rescue. Will Bradlee look past her pitiful situation to see who she truly is—the sugar baron’s daughter?


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts on The Sugar Baron’s Ring: 

I love a good story.  This is a good story.  I’ve enjoyed reading the entire series but I think this might be my favorite one yet.  Hannah is such an engaging and sweet character.  And then we have her “uncle” or guardian who is definitely the polar opposite of Hannah.  So much deceit and deception going on in this household.  

And then enter our hero!  Bradlee is an aristocrat off on his grand tour enjoying life but he has this deadline looming in his brain because he has to pass his finals to continue on the life course that has been set for him.  A life course that he isn’t too thrilled at by the way.  Oh and let’s not forget the woman he’s supposed to marry.  The woman he doesn’t love.

As Bradlee and Hannah begin an unlikely friendship it’s fun to watch their admiration grow.  Bradlee is desperate to get Hannah out of her guardians grasp before it’s too late, but will he sacrifice his own freedom to get there?

A great read that I highly recommend.  You’re going to love this one and the entire series.  

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

About the Author of The Sugar Baron’s Ring


The Sugar Baron’s Ring


Lorri Dudley has been a finalist in numerous writing contests and has a master’s degree in Psychology. She lives in Ashland, Massachusetts with her husband and three teenage sons, where writing romance allows her an escape from her testosterone-filled household. Find her online at


More from Lorri

The Sugar Baron’s Ring is the third book in the Leeward Island series.

Our Heroine

My heroine is caught between social classes as the daughter of a sugar baron and an impoverished white beggar since her guardian sold her inheritance to pay his debts. To generate the feeling of being a misfit, I delved back to those awkward years of middle and high school, where we often struggle to discover where we belong.

Before my senior year, my family and I moved to New England for a job change. I’d had a great group of friends at my old school, but at my new school, I was a stranger—an outsider—trying to find acceptance, much like Hannah.

Our Hero

Bradlee, the hero, on the other hand, was fashioned in a completely different manner. At my house, the slang terms “bruh” and “noob” are tossed around by my three boys, along with constant fraternal teasing. A lot of their sarcastic wit and camaraderie are portrayed through Bradlee and his grand tour companion, Colin. Their light-hearted banter depicts the tight bonds of a deep relationship where faults may be mocked, but offenses are overlooked, and if ever in trouble, they have each other’s backs. Hannah is drawn to Bradlee, craving a similar connection but loses her heart to him in the process.

The first opening scene came about because my family loves Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. After binge-watching practically every episode, I knew my hero and heroine would meet under the duress of a shiny, steel-gray fin plowing through the water. (Queue the Jaws theme song.) However, our resourceful heroine contains the strength to rescue the hero as opposed to the other way around.

All these things, being a misfit, teasing, and shark attacks, playout in a grander scheme to show how God never leaves us nor forsakes us. He’s laying out the pieces of our happily-ever-after while developing our character and purpose. The Sugar Baron’s Ring demonstrates how God’s light shines bright even in the darkness.

To learn more, check out my website at or click here to watch The Sugar Baron’s Ring book trailer:


Blog Stops for The Sugar Baron’s Ring

Through the Fire Blogs, June 23

A Baker’s Perspective, June 23

For Him and My Family, June 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 24

Texas Book-aholic, June 25

Genesis 5020, June 25

Daysong Reflections, June 25

Inklings and notions, June 26

Rebecca Tews, June 26

Betti Mace, June 27

Remembrancy, June 27

Reflections From My Bookshelves, June 28

deb’s Book Review, June 28

For the Love of Literature, June 29

Britt Reads Fiction, June 29

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 29

Kat’s Corner Books, June 30

She Lives To Read, June 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 1


Reading Is My SuperPower, July 2

Emily Yager, July 2

Pause for Tales, July 2

KarenSueHadley, July 3

Books, Life, and Christ, July 3

Blossoms and Blessings, July 4

Read Review Rejoice, July 4

Artistic Nobody, July 5 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Batya’s Bits, July 5

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, July 6

Hallie Reads, July 6

Life of Literature, July 6


Giveaway for The Sugar Baron’s Ring


The Sugar Baron’s Ring


To celebrate her tour, Lorri is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.

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  1. James Robert

    Thanks for taking time to share your book with us and it’s always a pleasure in our family to learn about a new one.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. km hansen

    Love the cover, sounds good.

    1. Erin S.

      I thought it was a pretty cover too.

  3. Rita Wray

    Great review and cover.

    1. Erin S.

      I thought the cover was gorgeous too.

  4. Alison Boss

    Thanks for the great review and for being a part of The Sugar Baron’s Ring CL Tour! This book sounds sooo good! I have the first book in this series and am looking forward to reading the rest of this wonderful saga!!

    1. Erin S.

      This entire series is incredible! You’ll love that book.

  5. Marisela Zuniga

    this sounds great

    1. Erin S.

      It’s a really good book.

  6. Debbie P

    This book sounds like a really great read.

    1. Erin S.

      It was wonderful and I really enjoyed it.

  7. Emma

    This sounds like a fun story!

    1. Erin S.

      It really was a fun story with just a hint of mystery.

  8. Dianne Casey

    I really liked the description of the book. Sounds like a great book.

    1. Erin S.

      It was really good, but so is the whole series.

  9. Julie Waldron

    This sounds like a really good book, thanks for the honest review.

    1. Erin S.

      I really enjoyed it and the others in the series.

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