Inspired Artistry

About the Book Inspired Artistry
Book: Inspired Artistry
Author: Pamela Poole
Genre: Non-fiction, Devotional
Release Date: March 30, 2020
Spirit-filled creative expression is an outreach for Christians to be ambassadors of the Kingdom.
This insightful devotional explores how the imprint of our Creator on all mankind makes it natural for Christians to embrace their unique gifts. Through Scripture, true stories, prayer, and study questions, readers will explore how every person born has a meaningful gift to contribute joy and beauty in the world. Led by the Holy Spirit, believers can live higher than the corrupting influences that distort Christ’s intent for our personal Inspired Artistry.
The pages of Inspired Artistry contain delightful illustrations and pages for readers who journal to write their own “Inspired Musings.”
Click here to get your copy!
My Thoughts on Inspired Artistry:
I don’t consider myself a creative person. Really I don’t have a gift for decorating or drawing or art. Because of that, I forget that sometimes creativity can express itself in other formats.
Inspired Artistry is a great devotional for those artistic and creative people, but also for anyone wanting to understand the creativeness of God better. Even though I am not artistic I still felt myself drawn to the devotions and grabbing things from them that I didn’t think would apply to me.
Whether you think you are artistic of not I think this will be a good devotional for you. Give it a try and see what you think.
I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.
About the Author of Inspired Artistry
Pamela Poole’s love for the South inspires all her books and paintings. She and her husband Mark currently live in Raleigh, NC, but she’s hoping to get back home to the Lowcountry of SC someday.
If making her fictional stories public was a step of faith, writing her first devotional was a leap! Believing all Christians have a sphere of influence, she wanted to be certain that sharing her views was a process grounded in Scripture. Pamela believes nothing is wasted for a child of God. Using examples learned through challenging experiences, she reveals accounts of true events that only her family knew about before. Years of teaching art, teaching Bible Studies, leadership roles, membership in guilds and associations, mentoring, painting, exhibiting, and writing books has provided her with a wealth of hard-won lessons to share.
Pamela lives life loving Jesus and her family as a wife, mother, and Gigi, and she is blessed with true friends. She is a member of the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society and PaintNC. Readers and art enthusiasts alike can enjoy her Youtube channel for painting demos, art history lessons and projects, and peeks into an author’s life. Her blog can be found on her art and publishing websites. Her illustrations for FREE coloring pages are her contribution to a cause she cares about, the healing that happens through art, and they can be downloaded on her websites. To enjoy the latest content, sign up for her newsletters and follow Pamela Poole, Artist and Author and Southern Sky Publishing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
More from Pamela
“I don’t have a talented bone in my body.”
“I can’t even make stick people.”
“I’ve never taken art classes.”
As an artist, teacher, author, and craft lover, I’ve heard statements like these all my life. My favorite is when my art students came to the first class saying, “I can’t even draw a straight line!” Flashing them my most engaging smile, I would respond brightly, “Me, either! I always use a ruler.”
Every person on the planet has a special gift of creativity. It is the stamp of our Maker, in whose image we are made. From the opening verses of the Bible, creativity is the first attribute that God reveals about Himself to mankind.
Christians have talents, but they do not think of them as creativity or as having any value in their faith or outreach to the world.
My Devotional
Inspired Creativity—Embracing the Creative Calling is my first devotional, written to encourage my sisters and brothers in Christ to discover and develop their unique gifts. I base the book on the authority of Scripture, and I use personal stories to apply the biblical principles to real situations.
Many people shy away from their talents because of the rejection and ridicule they could face from those whose tastes run differently. I understand this well and have the scars to prove it after decades of participating in professional organizations, art exhibitions, classes, art galleries, and the online book market. Readers can look at any author’s reviews and see they will range from mean and scathing to helpful and glowing. By publishing this devotional, I have set myself up for criticism by sharing what I’ve learned and how it all fits into a biblical Christian worldview. Knowing how vulnerable creative Christians feel, I point out in this book that if we are abiding in Christ and following His lead, our work is inspired as both a healing, spiritual growth activity for our souls and something He may call us to share. We must get past our dread and remember we work to please Jesus, not mankind. Since when did Christ’s enemy not attack those who talk about Him or reach out in His name?
When writing Inspired Artistry, I faced a few scary moments when relating experiences in my creative life that only my husband and son knew had happened. But nothing is wasted when believers walk with Christ, and I obeyed the tug on my heart and the spiritual certainty that I traveled those roads for such a time as this. It is my prayer that readers will discover and embrace their creative gifts for their role as ambassadors of the Kingdom to come!
Note to readers who color and journal: the print version of this devotional has coloring and journaling pages.
Blog Stops for Inspired Artistry
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, July 22
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 23
For Him and My Family, July 24
Texas Book-aholic, July 25
Bizwings Blog, July 26
Holly Jo Morris, July 26
Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, July 27
Inklings and notions, July 28
Emily Yager, July 29
Godly Book Reviews, July 30
deb’s Book Review, July 31
Splashes of Joy, August 1
Locks, Hooks and Books, August 2
Captive Dreams Window, August 3
Mary Hake, August 3
Artistic Nobody, August 4 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)
Giveaway for Inspired Artistry
To celebrate her tour, Pamela is giving away the grand prize package of Inspired Proverbs Coloring Journal, Tin of Colored Pencils, and a print copy of Inspired Artistry – Embracing the Creative Calling!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
Julie Waldron
This looks like a beautiful book.
Erin S.
I think it is and the cover is gorgeous.