Our Town Atheist

Our Town Atheist

Our Town Atheist


About the Book Our Town Atheist


Our Town Atheist


Book: Our Town Atheist

Author: Victoria Buck

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction

Release Date: October 30, 2020

Small-town banker Adam Bender tackles a robber and loses. But that’s not what shakes the foundations of his well-managed life. He awakens in the hospital to the vision of an angel. But that’s not what casts doubt on his reasonable judgment. Turns out the angel is only a beautiful doctor—someone Adam wants to get to know better.

The bank robber is on the loose and out to get Adam. News spreads in the gossipy little town of Adam’s misfortune, his love interest, and his…atheism? He’d thought he could keep that a secret. But Adam Bender can handle it. Or, can he?

What happens one night on a mountain road leaves him questioning his worldview. And his sanity. And soon the whole town is waiting to find out if what Adam saw will alter his unbelief.

Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on Our Town Atheist:

What a neat story.  This is definitely a storyline I’ve never read before.  An atheist, who wants no one to know he’s an atheist, tackles a robber who gets away.  Then he wakes up in the hospital to see an angel, of the human persuasion.  What happens next brings more comedy than suspense. 

I love the small-town life aspect of the book.  I’m from a small town, currently living near another small town, and definitely in the Bible belt so I can relate to a lot of this book. 

Adam is an atheist, but first, he is a Jew.  Can he be both?  Or will he become a Christian?  I found this rather fascinating how he began in Judaism and then decided that there is no God.  

This is a fun book with bouts of suspense and lots of humor plus a budding romance.  I think you’ll enjoy this book and I recommend it for readers.  It has some serious aspects with the talk of religion and a relationship with Christ but also lots of humor which makes it fun.  

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.



About the Author of Our Town Atheist


Our Town Atheist


Victoria Buck is a native Floridian running a small business with her husband, who teaches her everything she needs to know about both melodrama and comic relief. Wake the Dead is her debut novel. Killswitch is the follow-up to book one. Transfusion is the last book in the trilogy about the world’s first transhuman.

Now, on to other stories! Victoria is currently working on two present-day novels. No transhumans or insurrections. Of course, there has to be a bit of a weird twist!


More from Victoria

Our Town Atheist


Have you ever heard of a porkpie hat? Maurice is wearing one that terrible night when Adam sees him. The Chief of Police hasn’t seen a porkpie in Crossroads for decades, but old Mrs. Jones can tell you all about it. I wasn’t familiar with the hat until I wrote this story. Now I have one of my own!

I admit unusual characters pop into my head. Not your typical protagonist for someone who writes from a Christian worldview, Adam Bender showed up in my imagination after I wrote some blog posts about atheism. Those posts drew more response than I expected from the atheist community. Some were not so kind, but others wanted only to exchange ideas and explain their views in a non-confrontational manner. That’s when this easy-going, fictitious atheist began speaking to the writer in me. I let him talk for a while, and then I had to tell his story.


Blog Stops for Our Town Atheist

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, January 12

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 13

Sara Jane Jacobs, January 14

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 15

Susan K. Beatty, Author, January 16 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Bookshelf, January 16

Artistic Nobody, January 17 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 18

deb’s Book Review, January 19

Inklings and notions, January 20

For Him and My Family, January 21

Texas Book-aholic, January 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 23

Stories By Gina, January 24 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, January 24

CarpeDiem, January 25


Giveaway for Our Town Atheist


Our Town Atheist


To celebrate her tour, Victoria is giving away the grand prize package of an eBook copy of the book and a porkpie hat!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.


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  1. Liz Flaherty

    This sounds fascinating…and fun!

    1. Erin S.

      Thank you for stopping by!

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