The Midwife’s Heart

The Midwife’s Heart

The Midwife’s Heart


About the Book The Midwife’s Heart


The Midwife’s Heart


Book: The Midwife’s Heart

Author: Brenda Ray

Genre: Historical

As Abraham’s descendants prepare to cross into the Promised Land, led by Moses, Hannah, a disillusioned midwife will be tested in ways she cannot imagine. She wanted love, a home, and children, but gave up on that dream long ago. One heartbreak and humiliation was enough.

Ze-ev is a commander in the army, protecting his people. Busy doing what must be done, finding a wife is not his priority. Besides, when his childhood sweetheart marries another, he lost interest in securing a match to be his bride.

When he meets Hannah, they are both tested. Will either of them let down their guard long enough to trust again?

Set on the Plains of Moab, amidst attacks on the camp, spies, plague, and the unprecedented request of Zelophehad’s daughters, Ze-ev and Hannah must navigate the thorny path of the heart.

Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on The Midwife’s Heart

This is a Biblical fiction title.  In many ways I also consider it a historical fiction novel.  This is actually book two in a three book set.  I did not read the first book in the series but I still felt like this book was a good read so I’m assuming that they are stand alone titles. 

I love midwifery.  I love babies and helping babies into this world.  A midwife has delivered my last three children and some day I plan on becoming a midwife myself when I’m done having all the babies. 

In this book you will meet Hannah and Ze ev Ben Judah.  They’re both strong characters with pasts that have dictated what they see for themselves in the future.  Neither sees themselves marrying again, ever.  They both had bad experiences.  

While I have not read the first book in the series I jumped right into this book.  I really loved going in depth into some Bible stories and learning more about the people.  The characters are wonderful and seeing them fleshed out more was fun.  I have to say that I really do normally enjoy Biblical fiction and this was no exception!

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.


About the Author of The Midwife’s Heart


The Midwife’s Heart


RWA award-winning author, Brenda Ray, grew up along the Emerald Coast of Northwest Florida. A University of Florida trained nurse-midwife, she traveled as a military wife and raised three remarkable sons. She is now retired and writing full time in Vero Beach, FL. A graduate of the University of Florida, as well, she is always confused during football season, but she is never confused about loving feedback from her readers. You may contact her at:


More from Brenda

I didn’t set out to be a writer. In 1997, I was a practicing nurse-midwife, blessed to have delivered hundreds of babies. In one day, latex allergy abruptly ended my career, ended my job, and took my health. Seven years of college felt like a waste. At times the grief felt bottomless.

My strong faith in God got me through that dark time. My daily meditation and clinging to God’s Word were by lifelines. One morning, while reading the second chapter of Exodus, (which I had read many times before) the story of Puah and Shiphrah struck me in a new way.

I began asking myself how that came to be. Why would a pharaoh order his future workforce murdered? Did all the babies arrive before the midwives could arrive or did the midwives lie? With much research and study and my own experiences as a midwife, the answers to those questions became The Midwife’s Song: A Story of Moses’ Birth.

The book started a flood of writing that continues today. Writing is a creative process and as the Holy Scripture teach, “In the beginning, God created….” We are told we are made in God’s image. Thus, we ourselves are destines to create. For me, it has been quilting, sewing, cooking, and writing. I also write under the pen name of B. K. Ricotta. Two of a Kind is my first book under that name. A sweet novella will be released soon by Wild Rose Press entitled A Love So Sweet by B. K. Ricotta. Finally, the finishing touches are being done on a historical romance set in Northwest Florida when it was a new state.


Blog Stops for The Midwife’s Heart

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 5

For the Love of Literature, February 6 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 6

Artistic Nobody, February 7 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Texas Book-aholic, February 8

For Him and My Family, February 9

Sara Jane Jacobs, February 10

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, February 11

Older & Smarter?, February 12

Inklings and notions, February 13

Through the Fire Blogs, February 14 (Author Interview)

Our Whiskey Lullaby, February 14

Connie’s History Classroom, February 15

deb’s Book Review, February 16

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 17

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 18


Giveaway for The Midwife’s Heart



The Midwife’s Heart


To celebrate her tour, Brenda is giving away the grand prize package of an autographed copy of “The Midwife’s Song: A Story of Moses’ Birth (1st edition) and a few rainy day comfort items!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.

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  1. Deana

    I enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for being part of the tour.

  2. Dianna

    I can’t imagine helping somebody give birth. I’m a wimp!

    1. Erin S.

      It’s just such a wonderful experience, but it’s something I have enjoyed for a while now.

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