




About the Book Freerunner




Book: Freerunner

Author: Kathy Cassel

Genre: YA

Release date: March 2022

Set against the backdrop of the sport of freerunning, Kia must decide whether she will continue running or face her past abuser in order to save another child.

The night is Kia’s favorite time, when she freeruns to outdistance the memories of abuse she suffered as a young child. But when former reality television star Terrence Jones arrives at their school as the new head track coach, things begin to change in unpredictable ways.

Kia tries out for the team to fit in, but just as she’s gaining a new sense of normal, her abuser steps back into her life. Not only that but being on the track team causes even more turmoil.

Why does the assistant coach, Cassandra Clark, dislike Terrence Jones so much, and even more troubling, why does Coach Clark dislike her so much?

As the pieces of the puzzle begin to come together, Kia realizes she has to choose between running from her past or saving a child from the same sort of abuse she suffered. But will she have the courage to do so?


Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on Freerunner

This is a new author to me and I found out this is her debut novel. I’m very impressed that with novel number one she comes out of the gate with something so heavy as childhood abuse, and in a young adult fiction novel.

I really love the story about the cover photo. Adoption is something near and dear to my heart as we have adopted and my kiddos do have issues to deal with that stem from their time before they came to us. I like seeing this normalized and talked about as that’s not something that used to happen.

Now about the novel. I feel that the characters are relatable and they really do pull at your heartstrings or make you want to smack them. There are some parts that I think should be fleshed out more and I want to know what prompted the author to make the book so everyone believes Grandfather.

Shouldn’t someone do more to stand up to him and try to save children from him?

I know in an ideal world it would have never gotten to any of these points but in our fallen world it does. I think this is a good book to help open eyes to what is going on. But, I do feel that there are some inconsistencies. For instance, it’s not okay to go home with a male alone. Ever. The coach should not have been able to give Kia a ride home. Grandfather should not give any child a ride home either. It should be what we teach our children. Never accept a ride without permission because the consequences could be bad.

All in all this is a good book and I enjoyed reading it.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.


About the Author of Freerunner




Kathy Cassel is the author of more than a dozen fiction and non-fiction titles for preteens and teens, including 2021 Selah Award finalist Freerunner and the iParenting award winner Christian Girls Guide series.

Kathy has lived on three different continents with her USAF husband, has eight children, five adopted from Haiti and the United States, and six grandchildren. To better relate to her characters, she enjoys learning their skills such as whitewater rafting, scuba diving, and riding a motorcycle, but draws the line at sky diving.


More from Kathy

For many years I wrote devotion books for preteens and early teens. I tried to make the devotions both fun and interesting. I wanted preteens and early teens to see that the Bible is relevant to them today. But I realized that the readers I most wanted to reach weren’t likely to pick up the Bible or a daily devotion book. But they might read a story.

These are the teens who are hurting inside.

Those who have been abused, neglected, bullied, abandoned, or who face challenges. Those who may have lost hope and who need healing. And those who need to realize that God still has a plan for them no matter what has happened.

So I turned to writing faith-based, issue-based young adult books. It hasn’t been easy. There are a multitude of issue-based books in the general market, but these can be graphic and offer little hope or healing, yet they are snatched off the shelves and are some of the most popular books. Mine are not graphic and mention God throughout the book. They are not likely to reach library shelves. So the challenge is to get them into the hands of the readers who most need them.

Freeerunner is about a 15-year-old girl who is sexually molested/abused (I never give details so readers can interpret what happened based on their own knowledge and experiences) by a family member when she is only six.

She doesn’t get help.

No one talks about it.

So when the abuser walks back into her life now that she’s 15, she has a lot of unresolved feelings.

For adults reading this book, the story may trigger negative feelings or bring up a painful past. But don’t let that turn you away from the book because it may be a powerful resource for those experiencing what Kia did. For teens, the book gives them a character they can relate to. The story lets them know they are not alone and don’t need to suffer in isolation. Like Kia, they may find the courage to finally speak out and get help. And they may come to realize that God has an amazing plan for them no matter their past.

So for some, the book may simply be an entertaining sports story, while for others it can be a springboard to talk about their own problems. I am hoping this book will become a resource for parents, counselors, pastors, youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, and librarians to share with teen readers.

And above all, I hope the story is a source of hope and healing to those who need it.


Blog Stops for Freerunner

Texas Book-aholic, September 3

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 4

Through the Fire Blogs, September 5 (Author Interview)

Naked and Unashamed, September 6

For Him and My Family, September 7

Splashes of Joy, September 8 (Author Interview)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, September 9

Inklings and notions, September 10

Spoken from the Heart, September 11 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, September 11

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 12

Vicky Sluiter, September 13 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, September 13

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 14

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 15

Blogging With Carol, September 16


Giveaway for Freerunner




To celebrate her tour, Kathy is giving away the grand prize of a $40 Books-A-Million Gift Card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.

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  1. Kathy cassel

    I changed the part about the coach giving her a ride home in this version of the novel because of the comment in the first blog tour.

  2. Marisela Zuniga

    Thanks for sharing your review, the book sounds good

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog today and reading my post!

  3. Debra Pruss

    Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog today and reading my post!

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