



About the Book Estuary




Book: Estuary

Author: Lisa T. Bergren

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

Release date: June 13, 2023

Can a family bond stand the test of time?

Lady Tiliani Forelli is the epitome of the She-Wolves who raised her, an adept archer with a mind of her own. It is long past time for her to wed, but she deems each young lord who comes to bid for her hand lacking. With battles upon their border, and rumors of war growing louder on every front, Lady Forelli’s decision could secure her kingdom’s peace… or bring about its destruction.

Centuries later, history major Luciana Betarrini takes a summer job alongside her twin, Domenico, as a period actor at Castello Forelli in Italy. As incoming college seniors, this might be their last chance to spend meaningful time together, so she’s soaking up every minute. But when Nico’s theory that their lost Betarrini relatives have travelled through time becomes potentially real—and they might be able to follow—Luci fears they’ll be forever divided.


Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on Estuary

This is book one in a series.  It’s a combination of fantasy and dual timeline plus some time travel going on.  This is a Christian Fiction book. 

We’ve got two main female characters.  Tilliani is the one who has the past life.  But don’t worry her past is brought to life and becomes the modern day.  And then there is Luci who is our modern day.  Luci has a twin who she is doing some research and studies with.  When he has a theory that they have relatives who have time travelled they set out to figure it out.  Only they get more than they bargained for. 

The characters are well-developed.  I really enjoyed both females.  They had strength and character and made me want to keep reading about their story.  

Bit of a disclaimer.  There is a series that this series follows.  The River of Time series comes before the Oceans of Time series.  So while you could just pick up this book and read it on its own it’s going to make more sense and you’ll know more of the backstory and characters if you’ve read the other series first.  I believe it is a five-book series.  

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations. 


About the Author of Estuary




Lisa T. Bergren is the author of over sixty books spanning a variety of genres, from children’s picture books to women’s historical fiction to supernatural suspense and time travel. She lives with her husband and three gradually-flying-from-the-nest young adult children.


More from Lisa


Never go to Italy, I tell everyone, because it gets under your skin and then you have to go back! I’ve been six times over the years. Once with Tim and our BFFs, once with my extended family, twice with a daughter in tow (doing research in Rome and Venice), once to Tuscany alone for a romantic ten days with Tim, and this last summer, with extended family again. It was our 30th anniversary and so we went as far north as the Dolomites (jaw-dropping, Italian Alps). And in the future, I want to explore the whole coast of Italy—on both sides!

As a writer, it’s glorious, because you get to see remnants of history all around you! I get super excited when I get to walk through the remains of a castle or Roman ruins or even among vineyards, soaking up the smells and sights and cataloguing details I can put in my novel so readers feel like they are there too. My family is patient with my sign-reading and desire to take extra long walks, trying to outline what it would be like in medieval times. The food, the views, and the people make them pretty happy travel companions.

I am frequently asked what I would recommend for a travel itinerary for people going for the first time. Here’s what I tell them:


If possible, I highly recommend you go late-Spring or in the Fall. Summer is SO much more crowded and winter can be cold/rainy/snowy!

Day 1: Using an “open-jawed” ticket (arriving from one airport, departing from another), fly to Italia!

Day 2: Arrive in Rome in the afternoon/eve. (You lose some hours/time zones in transit!) Stay up until at least 9 or 10, walking the streets, eating gelato, soaking up being in ROME! The goal is to get your body in the right time zone/avoid jet lag.

Day 3: Morning Colosseum tour with a guide group that will take you to the basement, where the gladiators prepared and animals were caged, then on to the Forum. Spend the afternoon walking to quintessential sites such as the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona. Sit and sip something, watching the tourists and locals. Find a fun restaurant for dinner—you’ll want reservations at the most popular places, so research before you go.

Day 4: Morning Vatican tour/Sistine Chapel. Afternoon exploring other sites important to you.

Day 5: Taxi back to airport to rent a car; drive to Tuscany; check into a villa or agriturismo for five days. My preference is somewhere around Montepulciano or Siena. Many provide nightly dinners or you may want to cook!

Day 6-9: Explore a different hill town each day. My favorites are Montepulciano, Siena, Pienza. But there are so many. Just follow your nose one day!

Day 10: Return car to Rome early morning; take train to Florence for the day/night. Have advance reservations to “The David.” Consider reservations for the Uffizi if you’re a fan of classic art. Just explore the city if you’d rather not. Climb the Duomo for a fantastic view of the city.

Day 11: Train to Venice; check into a hotel on the Grand Canal or one of the smaller ones. Start getting your bearings by riding the water bus. It’s noisy but you can see the whole canal for little $. Find a great place for dinner. Again, do some research before you go and make reservations!

Day 12-13: Saint Mark’s (pay to climb to next level!); pay to go up the Campanile (tower) at sunset; walk/wander far enough to get out of the tourist zone—the old naval yard is cool. Take the water bus out to Torcello, the birthplace of Venice. Stop at Murano and Burano. Pay for a private water taxi tour at sunset or take the classic gondola ride.

Day 14: Take a water taxi to the airport. It’s a short walk from the docks and a very cool way to end your trip. Arrivederci! (Which means, “Until we meet again.” Because now, you’ve BEEN there. And you’ll HAVE to return! It’s THAT great!)


Blog Stops for Estuary


Giveaway for Estuary




To celebrate her tour, Lisa is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card, autographed copy of the book and an Etsy-artist “Oceans” bookmark!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.

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  1. Rita Wray

    Sounds good, thank you for sharing.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to leave your thoughts!

  2. Debra Pruss

    Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to leave your thoughts!

  3. Marisela Zuniga

    The cover looks gorgeous

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to leave your thoughts!


    I am stoked to read this one

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to leave your thoughts!

  5. Anita Yancey

    Great story and very pretty cover.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to leave your thoughts!

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