Unseen Danger

Unseen Danger


Unseen Danger


About the Book Unseen Danger


Unseen Danger


Book: Unseen Danger (Guardians Unleashed Book 3)

Author: Jerusha Agen

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

Release date: July 27, 2023

This woman and her K-9 protect others. Now who will protect them?

After a brutal attack, it took Nevaeh Williams six years to rebuild her life. Now a security specialist at the Phoenix K-9 Security and Detection Agency, she faces danger nearly every day. But when an old friend is targeted, her fragile stability begins to crumble.

Celebrity bodyguard Branson Aaberg could lose more than his career if he fails to end the mysterious threat against his client. Soon he’s more concerned with rescuing the tough but vulnerable woman who joins his security team.

Nevaeh is there to protect her friend, but what if she needs protection? What if the feeling she’s being watched isn’t the result of her traumatized imagination? If the danger is real, Nevaeh’s only hope for survival may be the God powerful enough to defeat her worst enemy—the one she doesn’t see before it’s too late.


Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on Unseen Danger

Technically this is book three in the Guardians Unleashed series. But there is also a prequel-type book to go with the series so I’m saying it’s really book four. So go find the other three books to read first. Trust me when I say you’ll enjoy this book more when you’ve read the other three first. Can you read this by itself? Yes, I guess. If you really think you must. But why would you read only one book when you can read four?! I’m all for reading more books!

Naveah is our main character. She’s got anxiety and some PTSD. Read the first books to know why. Anyway, her friend recognizes the PTSD in her and he wants her to get help while her grandpa wants her to get right with God again.

Branson is a bodyguard for a celebrity. When his client has threats against them can he stop the danger in time?

Enter the Security and Detection Agency and Naveah.

This book reads fast. Like seriously. You’re going to need to have some uninterrupted reading time here. I started it way too late in the day and might have missed out on sleep but it was worth it. You’re going to be guessing and theorizing who could have done it and who is behind it the whole time. I highly recommend you read this book!

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.



About the Author of Unseen Danger


Unseen Danger


Jerusha Agen imagines danger around every corner but knows God is there, too. So naturally, she writes romantic suspense infused with the hope of salvation in Jesus Christ. Jerusha loves to hang out with her big furry dogs and little furry cats, often while reading or watching movies.

More from Jerusha

For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with fear. As a child, fear of bugs, thunderstorms, and being left behind shadowed my otherwise happy days.

Though I’m all grown up now, I still haven’t shed that shadow of fear. My fears are more grown-up, too. Now I fear losing loved ones, physical dangers, and death.

People in our culture love to tell us it’s okay to fear.

They say fear is natural and even helpful. But the Bible tells a counter-cultural story. The Bible tells us the truth that fear of anything in this world is sinful.

So the Lord has been taking me on a journey to fearless in recent years. And along that journey’s path, I encountered Nevaeh Williams. The heroine of Unseen Danger, Nevaeh experienced life-threatening, terrifying trauma when she was attacked.

Six years later, she’s still haunted by PTSD and frightening memories.

As a security specialist and protection dog handler with the Phoenix K-9 Security and Detection Agency, Nevaeh tries to hide her fear. She can function well most of the time, as long as she avoids the trigger of getting close to any large, strong men.

Nevaeh’s story was a powerful one for me to write since she is crippled by fears even worse than my own. Culture would say her fears are “legitimate” and “useful.” Some of Nevaeh’s friends and even her boss encourage her to use her fear as a tool.

But that approach doesn’t help Nevaeh find freedom from fear.

Tolerating my own fears doesn’t help me either. Excusing and condoning fear only makes fear worse. Because such fear is a sin which, when allowed to fester, will grow and spread until it takes control of my life.

Nevaeh’s battle against fear is an inspiration to me and anyone else who struggles with worry, anxiety, and any form of fear. Her story shows that defeat of fear is possible. Freedom is possible. Victory is possible. Fearless is possible, only through the power of Jesus Christ.

Do you want to battle your fears alongside me and Nevaeh?

Reading Unseen Danger might be a good place to start.


Blog Stops for Unseen Danger

Texas Book-aholic, August 21

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 22

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 23

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, August 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 25

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, August 26

Devoted To Hope, August 27

Fiction Book Lover, August 28 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, August 28

Betti Mace, August 29

Simple Harvest Reads, August 30 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, August 31

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 1

Paula’s Pad of Inspiration, September 1

Stories By Gina, September 2

Holly’s Book Corner, September 3


Giveaway for Unseen Danger


Unseen Danger


To celebrate her tour, Jerusha is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card, a signed paperback of Unseen Danger, an Unseen Danger tote bag, magnet, and keychain, plus more swag!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.


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