Made in America Giveaway! Brown Cow Cotton Diaper

Below you will find the rafflecopter for the Brown Cow Cotton Diaper Package.ย  Make sure to go and enter all my other giveaways here!

Here is the custom diaper being given away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Sarah H.

    Well, since it has those lovely snaps, and looks to be real good quality…I know I’d use it for my son Kaden and his brother who’s due in a few months, and it would probably continue to be used by future babies (we’re going for a large family;-))

  2. Raquel

    I would use it on my 1 year old and any future children! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Sharon Possehl

    Would use it as a night-time option for my 3 year old and for my three week old ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Laurie

    I will be using it on my 16 month old Ella.

  5. Carrie

    If I win, my 20 month old will use it, and her little brother or sister will eventually, too, after he/she is born any day now!

  6. Ashley Suzanne

    It will go to my stash for my little ones!

  7. Lizzwisniewski

    My 6 month old,and my 2.5 year old will share it ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. fancygrlnancy

    this would be for my baby on the way.

  9. Amy

    This will be for my 15 month old son.

  10. Cassandra

    I would be using this diaper if I won on my 2 year old daughter, and once her little sister is born and big enough, on her sister as well!

  11. LauraD

    I would use this diaper for my new son.

  12. Bekah Kuczenski

    My sweet baby girl will be using this diaper!

  13. Melanie

    This would be for my five-month-old daughter, and any currently nonexistent future children!

  14. Maggie

    my youngest two boys ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Stacey T

    This would be for my baby girl and whoever may come next

  16. Heather

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. kay

    My 6 month old would use this if I won

  18. MissMannah

    My baby I am expecting soon will be using this diaper!

  19. Beth R

    For my son and any future children
    beth.rees333 at gmail dot com

  20. Bee

    This would be for my son, he is due in October

  21. Yesenia

    This would be for my son.
    morales_y at yahoo dot com

  22. Kamilah

    passing this one on to my sister!

  23. Nikki

    This would be great to add to our stash for Baby #2 due any day now ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Linda

    My 5 month old Declan

  25. Krystal

    My 5 month old will use this.

  26. Olivia L

    I would use this for my daughter.

  27. Dana

    My daughter will be using this diaper

  28. Danialle Birdwell

    My baby boy will be using this diaper if we win ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. J. Olson

    My almost 9 month old daughter will be using it!

  30. Sarah Hull

    Baby #2 is due in November and the diaper would be for him!

  31. Charlotte

    I will use it on my first child ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Stephanie H.

    I will be giving it as a shower present to help expand a friends cloth diaper stash because she is expecting twins

  33. Geri Fink

    My son will be using this diaper if I win!

  34. Becky

    I will be using it on my first little one, due early September.

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