Made in America Giveaway!!!!

Welcome to the Made In America giveaway! 

The giveaway is cohosted by two great blogs, Joy of Momma Joyner and Woven by Words.  I am taking part in this with several other wonderful bloggers!  A Grand Prize of a Kayak is available for you to enter as well so don’t forget to stop on over and check that out by going HERE!

For my part in the giveaway I have several smaller packages.  Each is valued at over $25 but I wanted to separate them so more of you my wonderful fans would get a chance to win!!

Here they are:

PoshPads Prize Package
Brown Cow Cotton Cloth Diaper
Dippee Dypees Diaper
SMM Cosmetics
Beanfields Chips
Zevia All Natural Soda

Don’t forget to visit the other blogs on the linky below and enter their giveaways as well!

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  1. Krystle

    I don’t see where to enter is it just me?

    1. Anonymous

      if you click on each “prize” listed, it takes you to a different post to enter

  2. Amanda

    Entered!!! Thanks for the great giveaways! 😉

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