Made in America Giveaway- Dippee Dypees Diaper Giveaway

Welcome to another of my Made in America giveaways!Β  I decided that I wanted to do a separate rafflecopter for each giveaway so that you wouldn’t get prizes you didn’t want!Β  Below you will find the rafflecopter for the Dippee Dypees Diaper!! Make sure to hop around to the other Made in America giveaways that I have going as well as the others on the linky!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Sarah H.

    My toddler Kaden, his brother who’s due to arrive in a few months, and our future babies (we’re going for a large fam.)

  2. Sandy VanHoey

    I would give to my nephew and his wife, expecting their first in September and planning on using cloth

  3. Sharon Possehl

    My newborn, Declan, will be using it πŸ™‚

  4. Lindsey A

    I would love to say I’d give this diaper to my sister for her little guy if I won it, but I would totally keep it for our next little one! πŸ™‚

  5. Ashley Suzanne

    It will be added to my stash for my little ones.

  6. fancygrlnancy

    baby on the way would use it.

  7. LauraD

    My new son will use it.

  8. Stacey T

    This will be for my baby girl and whoever may come next.

  9. Tracy

    I would be sharing this with a friend.
    Tracy A.J.

  10. Amy

    My son will use this if I win.

  11. Andi B

    My next baby. 12wks along.

  12. MissMannah

    My baby on the way will be using it

  13. Britni

    My baby girl Cailyn would use

  14. Beth R

    For my son and any future children
    beth.rees333 at gmail dot com

  15. Nikki

    This will be for Baby #2 due any day now πŸ™‚

  16. Julie G.

    My son will use this diaper if I win and then it will be passed on to baby #2

  17. Justice Montgomery

    If I win, my 10 month old LO will be using it!

  18. Sarah Douglas

    My 9 month LO would be using it!

  19. Linda

    My 5 month log Declan!

  20. Krystal

    My 5 month old will use this!

  21. Anonymous

    I love these diapers!
    Amy D

  22. jessica e.

    One of my 8 month old twin girls will be using it.

  23. Jessica e.

    One of my 8 month old twin girls will be using it πŸ™‚

  24. Olivia L

    I would use this for my daughter and eventually for baby #2 due next month.

  25. Bekah Kuczenski

    My 14 mo daughter will b using this!

  26. Ranu Tanu

    My son will be using it.

  27. Sweets_t01

    My 13 month old son will wear it if I win

  28. Danialle Birdwell

    My 3 week old baby boy will be using the diaper. And I’m not worried about it fitting, he’s a big ol’ 11.5 lb baby πŸ™‚

  29. Charlotte

    I will be using this on my first child πŸ™‚

  30. Charis's Mum

    I’d use this diaper on my daughter.

  31. Stephanie H.

    this will be for a friend expecting twins

  32. Beth Ann

    My baby girl! She’s due in November. πŸ™‚

  33. Maggie

    my 2 year old and 4 month old will both be using it…

  34. Becky

    My baby girl is due early September–she’d get to use this awesome diaper!

  35. Ashley Foster

    Our baby thats due in feb would be using this diaper

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