Just a Moment in Time

Just a Moment in Time
Blogging Through The ABC’s -Letter J
Just a moment in time. Just a blink of an eye. Just the time it takes a tear to fall. Just the time it takes a babies laugh to sound.
What are you doing with your moment in time? Are you making it count? Are you living for the future and what will be? Are you living for the past and what has been? Or is your focus on the here and the now?
I think these are all questions we need to ask ourselves. What are we living for. We may only have just a moment in time but we can make that moment count. I’m working on making my life not about what I’ll do tomorrow or next week. I’m learning to focus on today and make each day the best it can possibly be.
What am I finding out? I’m finding that just a moment in time is all it takes. That’s all it takes for a hug. That’s all it takes for an encouraging word. Truly. And guess what? Those moments in time add up. And they matter. They matter to me and they matter to my children. And by taking the time to make that moment in time special and memorable for that child I’m helping the next person they meet to not just have a moment in time but to have a good moment too.
With bedrest comes long moments of reflection. It also means that I could allow myself to be a captive audience for my child and all of my children. I could take just a moment in time and dedicate it to making that one child feel loved and special. I wasn’t looking at my to do list. I wasn’t seeing all I needed to get done. I was reading books. I was kissing ouches. I was making each moment I had count for me and for someone I loved.
Having this time where I was literally just lying around thinking made me think(imagine that). Not just think about myself and all I wasn’t able to do, but about all I WAS able to do and all that maybe I hadn’t been doing as much as I wanted. I hadn’t been giving each child as much one on one time for school as I wanted to. But now I was able to. It has rearranged my days.
Just a moment in time. That’s all it takes guys. Just think about it. What are you doing with your moments? Are you taking that spare moment to sit and check email? Nothing wrong with that. But is there a child asking for your help or your attention? I know from experience that sometimes I need that moment to myself. We all do. But those moments shouldn’t add up to a long time. Just remember that it’s just a moment in time.
That’s all we’re guaranteed you know. Just a moment in time. Just the moment we’re in. Make the most of it. Make it count. I know I’m doing a lot more reflecting on what I could be doing, what I should be doing. I’m doing a lot more with my moments in time. Those moments are meaning more hugs, more books read, and more feelings of love.
My children won’t always be here. When they’re grown and out of the house I’ll think back on these moments. These moments that I thought were not that important. They’re so important though. We will never get to do them over. Just a moment in time. That’s all we get. I think I’m going to go tickle a two-year old and cover a five-year old in kisses while I listen to another read me their read aloud. Life is good. This moment in time, it’s just a moment in time, but I’m owning it. I’m making it last. I’m making it count.
Don’t forget to check out all the other Blogging Through the ABC’s posts as well. We’re slowly working our way through the alphabet one week at a time.
This post has been shared on: Motivation Monday, Clever Chicks link up, Modest Monday, Monday of Many Blessings, Art of Homemaking, Mondays Musings, Titus 2 Tuesdays, Wise Woman Link Up, Hearts for Home Blog Hop,
Jen Altman
This is a great post, so true!
Erin S.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I just felt like it was a lesson I’d been learning and wanted to share.