Kombucha Giveaway -The Pitch List

Kombucha is a fermented tea drink.  It is very good for you and provides a slight liver detox.  Most kombuchas do contain a slight amount of alcohol(though on the website they say that they go through a process to eliminate that) so consult your doctor or midwife before drinking if pregnant or nursing.

Make sure to visit my review as well.

Enter below for your chance to win.  2 winners will be chosen per week so there are plenty of chances to win!!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Cassandra

    Ooh, the Cherry Cassis looks yummy! I started drinking kombucha for the health benefits, and have noticed that if I have any gallbladder problems the problems go away 15 minutes or so after drinking kombucha!

    1. Erin Slocum

      The cherry cassis was actually the only one so far that I really didn’t care for, but I’m not a big cherry flavoring person. I loved the green tea with lemon though!

  2. Betsy Barnes

    I would like to try the Essence of Peach 🙂

  3. Amber

    This looks amazing! I tried to make Kambucha once but my family really didn’t like it, so I’d be very excited to try this, especially the Niagra Grape.

  4. Karla

    I’d like to try Niagara Grape

  5. Mel Bourn

    I would love to try the Cherry Cassis. Looks wonderful.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  6. Amanda

    What fun! Andrew and I make our own Kombucha, so it would be fun to try some different flavors.:D

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