Almond Flour Pancakes, GAPS Legal and Paleo

I ran across a great recipe for Almond Flour Pancakes over on the Gluten Free Fix blog.  I made a few changes to the recipe and most importantly I TRIPLED it to feed my family of 10. . . and even then there are none left!

If you’ve followed my blog for anytime at all you know that we are gluten free as well as partially dairy free(have kids allergic to lactose) and sometimes it’s a challenge to find recipes that we like that I can make to accommodate a growing family, a LARGE growing family!

This recipe left us satisfied, tasted good, and best of all fit with our new recipe challenge of trying to go on the GAPS diet for a while.  We will not do the total GAPS introduction challenge until after I give birth to our next little girl in May, but we are already trying to cut out all starches and other things to get closer to a Paleo or GAPS diet while still maintaining the diet I need for a healthy pregnancy.

Now onto the recipe!

Like I mentioned I found this recipe on another blog and then made some changes to suit what we like around here.  This recipe is tripled from the original and will make 40-45 small pancakes.  This is about 4 pancakes per person.  I have some that are entering a growth spurt who are eating more than me right now!

18 eggs(yeap you read that right 18)
1 cup milk—we used coconut milk but I think almond would work well or any milk could be used
1 cup coconut oil(melted)—- you can also use butter for this and it will turn out just as yummy
4-1/2 cups almond flour packed—-I used Honeyville blanched almond flour, I don’t know how other brands will turn out
1-1/2 tsp baking soda
3 tsp apple cider vinegar

Mix together everything except for the apple cider vinegar in a large bowl.

I used a fork to beat the eggs, then added the milk again beating with the fork.

Next, I added the coconut oil and blended that in with my fork.

After this I put the almond flour and baking soda in the bowl and mixed thoroughly.

You want to get all the lumps out.  This would be easier and faster with a mixer, but I presently am without a mixer so do everything by hand.  It really is not that hard to mix this by hand.

Lastly you need to add the apple cider vinegar and mix that in as well.

I want to note the original recipe also included salt, vanilla, and honey in the recipe but we did not use any of these.  If you do want a sweeter pancake I suggest adding around 2 Tb of honey to this or 2 tsp of stevia powder.

I use an electric griddle to make my pancakes because I can get 6 pancakes done at once.  I used a 1/4 cup measuring cup to ladle out the batter onto the griddle which I had preheated to 400 degrees F.

Cook them on one side until they begin to bubble, flip and cook the other side until both are golden brown.  These smell wonderful while cooking and do not fall apart like so many other recipes do.

GAPS Legal and Paleo, Gluten Free Almond Flour Pancakes Recipe
Very yummy almond flour pancakes!

Once done take off the griddle and serve.  The original recipe has  a yummy recipe for a blueberry sauce, but as blueberries are not in season right now we did not try that.  My kids loved these with peanut butter(if a peanut allergy try almond butter) and maple syrup.  My husband and I ate them with butter and maple syrup.  Very  yummy and passed the test in our family!

I did have one child comment that they tasted “eggy” but she ate her fair share so I don’t think that was a deterrent!

Shared on:  Homestead Barn Hop, Natural Living Mondays, Gluten Free Fridays, Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Try a New Recipe Tuesday, Wellness Wednesdays, Wise Woman Link-Up, Allergy Free Wednesdays, Simple Living Wednesdays, Wisdom Wednesdays, Healthy 2Day Wednesday, Made from Scratch Mondays, Beautiful Family Friday,  Proverbs 31 Thursdays

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  1. Lisa Brown

    Oh, peanut butter is the pest thing on pancakes :). Thank you for the recipe, love it!

  2. Nicole Becker

    These pancakes look so yummy!! I love anykind of pancakes!!

  3. Liberty Boblett

    Cannot wait to try this. Must go grocery shopping first…My kids are going to love them! 🙂

  4. Sandra R

    YUM! I haven’t had pancakes in a while! NOW I want some! LOL Thanks for the recipe 🙂

  5. Jaime

    These sound so good! I’ve missed pancakes!!!

  6. Trisha

    This looks like a very tasty GF pancake recipe. I will have to try them out! Do you know about how many pancakes this recipe makes? Thanks for linking up with us at Wellness Wednesdays!

  7. Cindy Gordon

    YUM, everybody loves pancakes at my house! Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! 🙂

    Thanks for linking back to the Gluten Free Fridays post!

    Party starts tonight at 7:05 pm eastern time! Hope to see you there!

    Cindy from

  8. Amanda @ Natural Living Mamma

    Mmmm these sound good. How many pancakes does this recipe make? It sounds like I should have enough to freeze for later. Thanks for sharing on Natural Living Monday!

    1. Erin Slocum

      With the way I made them we got 40-45 of the small size pancakes. It’s one meal for us(but we’re a family of 10 soon to be 11) but they should freeze well.

  9. Steph (The Cheapskate Cook)

    Mmmm… delicious! I’ve seen several recipes for these – but yours look really simple and delicious

  10. Mary Hudak-Collins

    Oh yummy! They look so good! I appreciate you sharing this with our readers at ‘Made From Scratch’ Monday. I have a bag of Almond Flour and I’m going to give these a try 🙂

  11. Lisa

    These look and sound SO good! Thanks for linking up with “Try a New Recipe Tuesday!” I hope you will be able to join us again this week. 🙂

  12. kewkew

    This is a very different recipe than I have ever tried, but it is perfect timing as I am trying to cut certain things out of my diet. Just not sure if I could find the almond flour (never heard of it before).
    Thanks so much for stopping by and linking this recipe up at Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen!

  13. lisa

    This sounds and looks really great. Love pancakes!

  14. Jessi Timmermans

    These look good! Ill have to share it with Hubs, hes the pancake maker around here

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