Summer Squash Stuffed Burger Recipe #goodcookkitchenexprt Review

I recently received an awesome kit from Good Cook with all the things necessary to create an awesome stuffed burger(well except for the food) to review and show you guys how creative I can be!  Okay so we know I’m not the most creative, but I do like to cook and we all love food!

So I decided to create a yummy little burger using things we had lying around from our non existent garden.  Okay so things that friends had given us from their overflowing gardens and a few things I had to buy.

Ingredients needed:
hamburger–I buy local ground beef.  It’s around an 80/20 blend I believe
bell pepper–diced
summer squash– grated
cheese—mozzarella was used here (since we’re dairy free Daiya mozzarella shredded cheese works too)
garlic—extremely finely minced

Items needed:
stuffed burger press (burger stuffer)
cutting board
chef’s knife
cast iron grill pan
turner(my kids call mine the pancake turner)

Okay here we go!

Assemble your ingredients and tools and do your prep work!  While you’re prepping put your grill pan on the stove and heat it up!  Grate up that squash and cheese if needed.  Dice up the tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic!  Oh and make sure to notice my awesome cutting board, stuffed burger press(red thing in the background three piece set), and chef knife.  Totally in love with the knife. . . . . and yes it is very sharp.  Must be careful with that one!  Cutting board has the non stick on the bottom which is awesome!  First one I’ve had and it works wonderfully without scooting around on me.
Okay got everything ready?  Now you need to place a chunk of hamburger in the press and push down hard with the plunger.  Make a good sized dent in your meat so you can fill it in with all kinds of goodies!!!
In your dent you now place your stuffings.  I used different things in different ones depending on who was going to eat it.  Basically it’s all about what you like.  Mine had a bit of everything!  So lets go with that one.  Place in a small handful of each ingredient(or less depending on how big the well is and how big you want your burger to be).  I used peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes, summer squash, and a hint of cheese.
Now the fun part.  Once you put your stuffings in you have to seal it with the top.  So place another chunk of hamburger on top.  I liked to flatten mine out just a little to help make sure it covered all of my fillings.  Now press down on the burger with the flat part of the press.  This will help seal it all up.  A word to the wise, the tomatoes I used were very juice which tended to not let the meat seal together the way it should so you might want to dry out your fillings a little bit.
Alright, now you’re ready to cook!  Place the burger on your preheated(you should have already done this) cast iron grill on your stovetop.  Make sure to let it cook evenly and don’t do a lot of extra flipping.  That tends to make it start to fall apart and we don’t want that!
Oooooh don’t those look good!  Yum making me hungry all over again!  We had ours with a spinach salad.  Lots of veggie eating goes on in this house.  We had friends over for supper this night because I couldn’t wait to show off my lovely new kitchen toys(come on I know I’m not the only one that loves new toys to play with in the kitchen).  She happens to be a photographer and had fun taking pictures while I slaved over making supper. . . .okay so I was having equal amounts of fun creating yummy stuffed burgers!  You caught me. . . .

Okay now let’s talk about how you can get to try out this great stuffed burger kit for yourself.  Good Cook is sponsoring a contest among all of us bloggers that got to review the kit.  What you do is go to their site and vote on your favorite burgers.  Each time you vote you get entered to win one of 10 stuffed burger press kits.  You can vote up to 3 times per day.  Voting begins on September 3rd and ends September 17th.  
Can’t wait to win one?  Good Cook is totally awesome and is offering 25% off if you use the code BurgerLovers talk about nice!!
Now I have to say please vote for my burger!!  Please please!  Winning blogger gets a prize too and I’d love more kitchen toys to share with you!

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  1. Melissa Botelho

    This looks like a great recipe i am going to have to try it!

    1. Erin Slocum

      It was so good! I’m going to have to try other things too next time, but love my veggies.


    This looks really good. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Liberty Boblett

    Oh Wow! This looks delicious! I have got to get a burger stuffer…

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