Real Life Homeschool with a Toddler

My life has had a toddler in it since my oldest hit the toddle stage. She’s now 10. So my entire homeschool career has had a little toddler around while I’m working with the older kids. Let’s talk today on Day 4 of Real Life Homeschool about Real Life Homeschool with a Toddler.
We tend to make cute little tubs that hold toys in them. We have a tub with blocks, a tub of duplo, a tub with a baby and accessories, a tub with crayons and a coloring book/some colored paper, and several sensory activity type tubs. Oh and we have a tub that has Thomas the Train engines in it for when she’s in a high energy must make noise time! We also have a low shelf that contains books that she can look at and play with. I plan on doing some posts next week about our toddler activity tubs. There are some awesome ideas out there too!
I also keep snacks handy for the toddler. Little things that are healthy and easy for her to eat without choking. We get some awesome baby snacks that resemble cheerios but are actually made from veggies and fruits. My toddlers have always loved these. Keep a sippy cup of water in your school area as well! Cut up grapes and put in a container in the fridge the night before and you’ve got a great little snack.
Something that has saved my life with a toddler is babywearing. I love to wear my babies and they love to be worn. This seriously saves our school day when the toddler is teething or cranky or just in need of a nap. Even if she’s in a great mood she still likes to be worn for around ten minutes at a time to have that closeness with me.
Of course, you get the fun toddler times too! I cannot count the number of times we’ve had a toddler sitting on a school desk smack dab on top of their lesson so that they’ll pay attention to her instead of their work. Another thing that happens countless times is the toddler deciding to take all the school books off their shelf and resort them. So, if you visit and wonder why the 4th graders reading materials are mixed in with the kindergartener, just giggle and say “I see the toddler has been here.”
I have come to learn that Real Life Homeschool with a Toddler can be very challenging. There are going to be days you want to pull your hair out, days where you’re looking for the closest school to put your kids in or at least a daycare for the toddler! But there are also going to be the days where you are filled with joy at all your children have learned. When your toddler comes over to you and can count to 10(she’s not even 2 yet!!!) or when the toddler is recognizing letters and numbers and colors and you haven’t worked with her at all yet! Those are the moments it’s all worth it and those are the memories that will stick with you. Though I do have to say she’s pretty adorable sitting on the kid’s school books while they give her the “yes you’re adorable now please move” look.
So remember, mama just starting to homeschool with a toddler, you can do this. It does get easier and the memories you’re creating will last a lifetime.
Don’t forget to check out the other days of the blog series!
Day One: Real Life Homeschool On A Farm
Day Two: Real Life Homeschool on One Income
Day Three: Real Life Homeschool Year Round
Discover real life in other homeschools with the Schoolhouse Review Crew bloggers! Join the blog hop to read more!

Blogs to visit on Day 4!!!
Life at Rossmont
A Stable Beginning
Happy Little Homemaker
Joyful Hearts and Faces
Day by Day in Our World
Mama’s Coffee Shop
Delightful Learning
Double O Farms
Tales of a Homeschool Family
Home Sweet Life
A Rup Life
This is pretty challenging but at the end of the day it’s all worth it.
These are indeed fun toddler times and it’s priceless!
Thanks for sharing!
Erin S.
Thanks for reading! I think the best for me is being able to share all the joys and even the downs with my children as the grow and learn.