Real Life Homeschool Year Round

I’m so glad you’re back for day three of the Real Life Homeschool Series! Today we’re going to talk about Real Life Homeschool Year Round.
I tried homeschooling just during the normal school year like the public schools do, but it didn’t work for our family. We tend to take a month-long break in the winter and smaller breaks when my husband has down time from his business(self-employed). So, it made more sense to us as a family to school year round. I also find that my special learners tend to forget things if they go more than a week without working at them. With that being said we really try not to take more than a week off from the main subjects.
So for me, Real Life Homeschool Year Round was the answer. Now don’t get me wrong. My kids aren’t bent over notebooks and workbooks all day every day with no end in sight. We do unit studies and whenever possible we do them outside! Even when they were sick with the stomach bug this past month we all went out on the porch on the nice days and had read aloud and silent reading time. I’m afraid a few times it wasn’t quite so silent as someone got sick, but such is life in a large family!
I want learning to be fun. I want learning to be non stop. For us, year round homeschooling is this. We do Civil War Reenactments. My children are learning that entire weekend. That is more school for them even if they’re not realizing it. They’re learning history. They’re learning about and experiencing nature as well. Plus I throw in some random things like doing math with helping me plan meals and measuring ingredients. I might even be sneaky and have them read some old-time schoolbooks and do spelling words on slates. I can be devious like that!
Like I mentioned above, Real Life Homeschool Year Round is what works best for us. I’ve heard others do two months on and one month off. Whatever works for you and your children is what you should! Homeschooling is all about being able to be flexible and do what works for you.
Day One: Real Life Homeschool On A Farm
Day Two: Real Life Homeschool on One Income
Day Four: Real Life Homeschool with a Toddler
Discover real life in other homeschools with the Schoolhouse Review Crew bloggers! Join the blog hop to read more!

Here are some blogs to hop on over to today!
Treasuring Life’s Blessings
Double O Farms
Simple Living Mama
Fried Clams and Sweet Tea
This Sweet Life
A Net In Time
Counting Pinecones
Some Call It Natural
Kingdom Academy Homeschool
Debbie’s Homeschool Corner
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