Homeschooling While on Bedrest

Day 1: Homeschooling While on Bedrest
5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents
I recently had the opportunity to be on bedrest for two weeks. I needed to keep homeschooling my kids so we don’t fall behind. This brings a new perspective to what I do and how we do it! So for the first day of the 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents that the TOS Crew members are putting on I bring you Homeschooling While on Bedrest.
Homeschooling takes commitment but we all know that coming in to the game. What we don’t always understand is just how time-consuming it can be or how hard it can become. Life throws us curve balls just to see if we can catch them I guess.
I caught such a curveball a few weeks ago. I had some pregnancy complications which left me on bedrest for two weeks. Homeschooling while on bedrest is not for the uncommitted. I can tell you that. I was committed to keeping the kids up on their schooling while I was on bedrest but that first day I really wasn’t sure how. Not to mention the fact that I had two kids sick and wasn’t sure how to get them to the doctor! My mom came to my rescue and took the kids to the doctor and we declared it a sick day while I figured this all out.
Homeschooling while on bedrest looked to me like me being in a reclining chair or on our couch so I could be out in our main living area. Our living room is the largest room in the house which isn’t saying too much since we have a small house. I knew I needed to find a way to move the kids into that room for their school or I wouldn’t be able to keep track of what they had done and what they still needed to do.
Enter solution for me! We have a folding dining room table. It’s not ideal but it does seat us all if barely. We outgrew our old table and haven’t found a harvest table that meets our size requirements so we’re working with what we have. My solution was to simply bring that folding table and our chairs into the living room with me. So I set the kids to cleaning and sweeping the area the table would go in and getting it moved.
Once we had the table moved to the room I was resting in it made it a lot easier for me to watch the kids do their school. They could then bring their books to me when they needed help and homeschooling while on bedrest began to seem doable. But I still had two sick kids.
So while I was in the chair reclining my two sick kids were on the couch resting. The others were doing school. The toddler was playing with her toy kitchen in a corner of the living room and the preschooler would play with her when she was done with her small bit of school.
Homeschooling while on bedrest was definitely not easy. It’s also not something that I want to do again. But, there is a chance I will have to. So I’m making preparations now to make it even easier. I think for me that’s the biggest hurdle to overcome. I’m a planner and suddenly being thrown into something that wasn’t in my plans does not work well for me. Having a plan in place if you’re pregnant and this does happen to you will really help your sanity and your thought process.
By thought process I mean it will help your can do attitude. It will bring homeschooling while on bedrest from a I think I can do this to an I know I can do this mindset. I truly think that is the largest hurdle that has to be overcome. Having a good support system will also help. I have 9 children ages 2-11. My husband works. I was home alone all day and was overwhelmed with it all. I mean how do you homeschool while on bedrest and take care of your home and your kids? Thankfully my mom stepped in and came over around lunch time almost daily to help me out. She was such a help! I’d encourage you if you think you might have to homeschool while on bedrest to talk to other people and get a support system set up so if you need help you have it available.

Hope my little post helps someone else who might be faced with homeschooling while on bedrest and I’ll see you tomorrow with another installment of the 5 Days of Homeschool Tips for Parents right here!
Don’t forget to check out the Main post linking us all up over on the TOS Blog. You can also check out a few other blogs by clicking the links below. I hope you enjoy this blog hop as much as we enjoy bringing it to you! Don’t forget the hop is five days and you should read all five of my posts!
Annette @ A Net In Time
Brandy @ Kingdom Academy Homeschool
Brenda @ Counting Pinecones
Carol @ Home Sweet Life
Cassandra @ A Glimpse of Normal
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm
Crystal @ Crystal Starr
DaLynn @ Biblical Womanhood
Danielle @ Sensible Whimsy
This post has been shared on: Motivation Monday, Clever Chicks link up, Modest Monday. Monday of Many Blessings, Art of Homemaking, Mondays Musings, Titus 2 Tuesdays, Wise Woman Link Up, Hearts for Home Blog Hop,
Michele Pleasants
Love the idea of bringing the table to you! I pray you are up and on your feet again and continued prayers for a healthy pregnancy!
Erin S.
I’m up for now. I’m on rest orders but not strict bedrest. Only 10 weeks to go!
Great idea and I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing.
Erin S.
Thanks so much! I hit 30 weeks today so hopefully we’re smooth from here on out!
Oh Erin! What dedication and what good children to help you out. Glad you have made it through and love that you are sharing your experience so that others may have the benefit. Praying that the next few weeks go well!
Erin S.
Thanks so much for the kind words. Yes my children were so wonderful through this whole thing. They really stepped up doing laundry and dishes and keeping up on school!
annette @ A net in Time
kudos to you momma for finding a workable solution. I so enjoy reading posts like this. 🙂
Erin S.
Thanks so much! I knew we had to keep going because we plan to take a week or two off when baby comes in June!
This is ingenious. I haven’t had to do anything like this but you never know so it’s good how to get the schooling done. Countdown to your dear baby!
Erin S.
I never thought I would either. All my pregnancies have been wonderful but this one has been so different. 10 weeks left!