Owlegories DVD {TOS Crew Review}

We love to watch movies as a family and eat popcorn on a Saturday night. A few weeks ago we received an Owlegories DVD entitled Owlegories: The Ant, The Fruit, The Butterfly from FishFlix.com as a review through the TOS Crew.

FishFlix.com is an online store that offers family friendly Christian videos that are also educational and entertaining. I chose to receive the Owlegories DVD as I knew it would be something that would appeal to all of my children plus still be cute enough that my husband and I wouldn’t mind watching it! A fun fact about FishFlix.com is that they offer free shipping on all orders over $40. Great way to stock up on new DVD’s for birthdays and holidays! They have a wonderful variety to choose from.
The Owlegories DVD that we received to review is actually the 2nd DVD in a series. The 1st DVD we have not yet seen though it has been added to our must watch list! I think this has fast become a series that we’re going to want to add all of them to our library.
This movie is so cute guys! Like seriously adorable. The animation is great and not lacking at all. My kids loved watching it and have had to watch it several times since. The characters are memorable and are so sweet. The main characters are respectful and even the own who acts the part of the class clown never does so in a mean fashion or by making fun of the other little owl students. Our antagonist(named Devlin) is even a rather nice little villain character.
Each DVD has three episodes. Each episode teaches a small lesson. After the episode is finished there is a short section where a “real” person comes on to talk about how kids can apply that principle that they have just learned in their own lives.
We loved this Owlegories DVD and learning about the fruits of the spirit while also watching cute little owls and ants work(or not work) to harvest sap to make syrup. And of course, everyone enjoyed watching the caterpillars turn into butterflies. Great reminder for us all of how we are transformed with Christ in our lives.
The DVD including all three episodes is only 34 minutes long. So it’s not a long movie that requires kids to sit still for what seems like forever. If you break it down and only watch one episode at a time it’s even shorter. The Owlegories DVD we received is currently priced at $9.99 through FishFlix.com. They also have the first of the series for the same price if you’re wanting to get both.
The first episode on the Owlegories DVD we received is titled The Ant. In this story the professor of our class tells the class that they need to collect sap from the maple trees to make syrup. Only the ants actually buckle down and look at the long term to complete the task. A great lesson in doing things that we might not see as fun so that we can get the end result we desire. A great tie in if you have your kids do chores(which we do).
The second episode on our Owlegories DVD is titled The Fruit. This story teaches about the Fruits of the Spirit and even includes the class finding some of the bad fruits that we’d rather avoid like anger and envy.
Episode three of the Owlegories DVD is called The Butterfly. In this episode we watch the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly with the class and see how God can transform us if we let him. Oh and add in a fear of bugs and this episode will have your kids giggling throughout.
If you’d like to learn about other movies that were reviewed by members of the crew please visit the Main TOS Crew Blog. You can also find out more about FishFlix.com by visiting Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and Pinterest. A few of the other movies on the review list we’ve had the privilege of watching prior to now and can tell you they’re wonderful!!
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