Interactive Learning

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Interactive Learning
Homeschool Review Crew
Brilliant Premium Subscription
Do you include STEM in your homeschool? I did some and not a lot because I wasn’t sure how to teach it. Brilliant and their Premium Subscription has offered us an interactive learning experience that does just that! And even though I’m not far into this review I have to tell you that I love love love the logic portion. I actually want to use it myself instead of letting my kids use it! We received a year subscription to their premium subscription. Two of my children are using the program.
I think the most challenging part of using this curriculum is that for two of my students to use it I had to have two separate email addresses to use it with!
About the Program
Brillant offers a variety of programs that you can use within its interactive learning platform. The ones that we were asked to focus on for our reviews are everyday math, pre-algebra, geometry fundamentals, scientific thinking, computer science fundamentals, and logic.
For our review I had my son focus on logic and my daughter on scientific thinking. I loved watching them use the program and wanted to do it alone(on my own) too!
Let’s chat a bit about the program before I get into more of my thoughts.
Brilliant provides over 70 online classes. The classes are geared for ages 6th grade through adult. The platform is all online. It is interactive and adapts to the level of knowledge that is shown by the user. The questions and programs are interactive and fun. It is not like your typical platform. The questions are fun and engaging and really pull the student in. They want to answer them and see how they do.
The above screenshot shows a part of the logic session. The amount of time needed to complete is less than 15-20 minutes per day. So, as that shows you can easily do this each day in a short amount of time. There are extra small bits you can do a day as well.
No matter which one you do you can do more than one lesson per day if you want. Or you can do more than just one section. For instance, you can do all of them every day if you wanted to. For this review, I asked each child to choose one course to focus on.
Here’s a peak at the science portion.
Our Thoughts
This is such a fun program! If I’m totally honest I would have to say that I would not have chosen this program on my own. But once we started using it I decided that we may never be able to live without it again!
Every day my kids can’t wait to get onto their program and see what their questions are going to hold. I love that it allows me to teach my children some of the STEM areas without having to figure out how to do it here in my home. I have so many different levels it’s hard to do this without excluding some children or having to find somewhere for little ones to be so they stay safe and out of the way. If you struggle to teach STEM this is going to be great for you!
Wonder if we’re going to keep using this program? Yes. Yes, we are. I cannot imagine stopping using it anytime soon! My kids love it. The only thing that I might change is how many accounts we have! Wonder how easy it would be to remember other email accounts and passwords.
This program is fun.
It has relevant content that makes my kids want to use the program. It’s not just boring things you’d read about in a textbook. The first lesson in logic deals with sentient robots. What kid doesn’t love learning about robots? Mine do!
I have a child who is in junior high this year but she just turned 12. When we started the program I was going to put her in it as she is advanced for her age and I think would truly love this and how challenging ti could be for her. The program did not allow me to sign her up. You do have to put in their age and birthday when signing up your student. It does state for 6th grade and up which leads me to wonder what the age cut-off is. The two students I did sign up for are 14 and 17.
Both of the children I have in the program love it. In fact, I think they would use it for hours a day if I let them. That’s probably the best thing I can say about the program. That it gets full approval from my children and they are often caught using the program before they even have had breakfast. High praise from our house where chores on the farm get done before breakfast too.
Learn More
Ready to learn more about Brilliant and its interactive learning experience for students? Go to the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew and read all of the reviews that are linked up there.
Brilliant can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
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