Quest for the King’s Crown

Quest for the King’s Crown
Homeschool Review Crew
Focus on the Family
Reading is a huge thing in our home. We are always reading and I love that I’m raising readers. When we were offered a chance to review Quest for the King’s Crown, book 7 in the Last Chance Detectives Series we knew it was a must! My kids have read some of these books and watched some of the movies. They were so excited! Special thanks to the Homeschool Review Crew for facilitating this review through Focus on the Family and Tyndale.
Ready to learn about the Last Chance Detectives and this great kid’s book? Well then, you’re in the right place!
About the Book
You might have read some of the Last Chance Detectives books when you were a child. I seem to remember them around our house. Well, they’ve been updated and re-released! What a fun surprise for those who read them years ago and a fun way to share them with our children!
The Last Chance Detectives is a great series for grade school-level children. They are detectives and include some fun mysteries that need to be solved while being full of faith and great learning experiences.
Robert Vernon is the author of this series. This is a series. I highly recommend reading them in order. But we grabbed book 7 and just started with it!
Age range:
The actual age range these books are recommended for is upper elementary and middle school. That being said you know your child best and know whether this would be a good read for them. Some of my kids in high school still love these books while some of my advanced readers in lower elementary also enjoyed them.
Valuable Lessons:
Some of the valuable lessons that your child will learn while reading the book are the value of friendship, teamwork, perseverance, and maybe even how to solve a mystery or two!
Our Thoughts
As I’ve said before, we’re huge readers in our house. I read a lot. And by a lot, I mean a lot a lot. To the tune of almost 400 books already this year. I do book reviews for publishers, companies, and even just some authors who reach out as well. Most of the books I receive are adult books though or young adults. Not a lot of them are geared toward the younger crowd. This one is and we were so excited about it!
Because I read all the time I have raised a household of readers. This is a good thing, most of the time. There are some times that I do have to threaten to take books away from a child to get them to do their chores, but for the most part, it’s a great hobby for all to have!
I mentioned above that my children have already been introduced to the Last Chance Detectives through a few of the old books and the movies that we’ve watched off Pure Flix. What I didn’t mention was the response when I opened up this package that included the book!
It immediately disappeared.
Normally when I get a review book I go ahead and photograph the cover for future use. I didn’t even get to properly look at this cover before it was out of my hands and off to a secluded part of the house. I’m still not 100% sure which child took it first! But I do know that it was read by 7 of my children before I saw it again!
Once it came back into my possession I was able to look at the new cover, which is very nice by the way, as well as start reading it out loud to the entire family. A fun fact that I love is that my older children(think almost adults) will still sit and listen to me read aloud to them.
This is something that I took for granted until I taught a class at our local homeschool coop and realized that those kids could not sit and listen to me read for anything!
How about a little about the book?
In this book, we follow the adventures of the Last Chance Detectives as they search for a long-lost treasure. Spoiler alert: they aren’t the only ones in search of this treasure. Can they find the treasure before their opponents do? Will they find it unscathed?
The crew of detectives is made up of four characters.
Mike is the leader of the group. He’s fearless and bold. He keeps the group moving onward. Sometimes he leads them into danger as well but they normally come out ahead.
Winnie is the girl in the group. She ferrets out news like no one’s business and also knows the desert like no one else. You definitely want her on your side if you’re going adventuring in the desert and want to survive.
Ben has an imagination that we all wish for in our children. He uses that imagination for good though and through it, he is a great problem solver.
Spence has the brains. I’m not saying the above three children don’t, but he’s at a genius level of smart. Don’t believe me? Find out by reading the book or any in the series!
Now you’ve met the cast it’s time to let the adventure begin! Open to page one and proceed!
Learn More
You can learn more about Quest for the King’s Crown and what other reviewers thought by reading all of the linked-up reviews on the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.
Tyndale can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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