Homeschool Encouragement

Homeschool Encouragement
Homeschool encouragement is something every homeschool mom needs. Face it, the days are long. Somedays you don’t know that you’re doing the right thing or if your children are learning at all. Other days you’re ready to throw in the towel and maybe even didn’t do school. And yet, there are those days where everything clicks and falls into place where you know this is what you’re called to do.
So how do you get the homeschool encouragement you need? There are several ways but it all depends on your needs. For me, a major factor is having other mom friends who homeschool. We encourage each other. It’s important to have homeschool mom friends who have homeschooled longer than you as well as ones new to homeschooling.
The variety in your homeschool mom friends is needed so that while you are being encouraged, you are also encouraging. Doesn’t make sense? Think about it. You are encouraging the new homeschool mom because you’ve stuck with it and are at a place in their future. Likewise the mom who has homeschooled longer than you is now encouraging you.
Homeschool encouragement can also come from reading blogs like mine and all the other TOS crew members. We share some of the nitty gritty of our days so you know you’re not the only one struggling.
I have to say my greatest homeschool encouragement doesn’t come from a fellow homeschool mom. It doesn’t come from my family. In fact, it doesn’t come from a mom at all. My greatest homeschool encouragement comes from a good friend. She’s single, she has no kids, but she knows me and she knows the challenges I face. She lifts me up and encourages me while also making me laugh and view myself as a person separate from just a mom or just a teacher or just a homeschool mom. I have an identity all my own and she makes me remember that.
I do also talk to homeschool moms. Also, I love going to a local homeschool conference every year. This year I’m going by myself sort of. My youngest will only be ten months old so he’s still a nursling and will be attending with me. It’s such a wonderful encouragement to go and hear other homeschool moms talk about their journey and answer questions that I might have.
Each of us will need a different level of encouragement. We may need several homeschool mom friends. Maybe we need to read several blogs or homeschool help books. Your greatest encouragement might be seeing the love of learning ignite in your child’s eyes. I have to say that is definitely a wonderful thing.
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