Traditions Within Your Homeschool

Traditions Within Your Homeschool
Traditions within your homeschool are a wonderful part of homeschooling. They’re something unique to you and your children that set you and your homeschool apart from all the others. You may have traditions without even realizing it.
When I started thinking about traditions within our homeschool, I wasn’t sure we had any. So I started thinking harder. And then I asked my kids what they thought our traditions are. Find some fun traditions we have and we’d love to hear about some traditions within your homeschool!
A fun tradition that I’ve done with my children is studying holidays and their history. We love learning about why we celebrate certain holidays and why they are important. It’s not only a fun tradition but also a great history lesson. History is our favorite subject!
Something I never thought of as a tradition was my love for read alouds. We have several different read alouds at different times in the day. Normally we have four different read alouds going on at a time. One at breakfast, one at lunch, one at supper, and one at bedtime. I’ll add to this and the why of it in a separate post.
Other traditions include doing a lot of subjects revolving around farm life. This includes gardening and having a specific vegetable that they cultivate. Or chores. Farm chores are a part of our homeschool and they reach each level of chores by being responsible and keeping up with their school work.
A fun tradition we’re starting is doing a hymn study first thing in the morning. I’m tone deaf and had always found this to be intimidating, but with technology(and me learning how to use it) I’ve finally found a way to incorporate this. Along with the hymn study is Bible verse memorization.
Play might not make it as a tradition in your homeschool, but for us it really is. For children play is such a part of life that it needs to be incorporated into school and into learning. I’ve found that we learn so much more when we learn it through play and fun. It also tends to stick in minds longer this way.
In the last year I’ve also started diffusing essential oils during our school day. This helps with focus and attention during school. I’ll be sharing more about this in a separate post as well.
Need some encouragement? Check out this post too!
What about you? Do you have any fun traditions in your homeschool? Any traditions you want to start?
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