Christian Children’s Books

Christian Children's Books

Christian Children's Books


About the Christian Children’s Books


Christian Children's Books


WhiteSpark Publishing is thrilled to bring readers young and old two delightful stories all about color!

 Our Thoughts:

We love to read here in our house and finding Christian Children’s Books is always a welcome thing.  It is sometimes hard to find good children’s books though.  And finding Christian Children’s Books can be almost impossible if you don’t know where to look.  We believe that exposing Children to God’s love from a very young age is the way to go!

That all being said these are cute books!  Even if you’re not serious about reading Christian children’s books to your kids you’re going to love these.  The illustrations are so cute and colorful.  My kids are in love with them and will happily sit to have them read time and time again.  

We have studied rainbows several times in our homeschool and love how beautiful they are and of course the reason for the first rainbow.  When God gave Noah that first rainbow I can’t even imagine what the people thought.  How gorgeous and what a wonderful promise!

This is a great way to interest your children in colors and learning the colors of the rainbow specifically.  We have a rhyme that I teach my kids to help them remember how the colors go but this is so much more fun!  Definitely get yourself a copy.  I would also recommend them for the nursery of churches.  And it would be great to get some good Christian children’s books like these into some waiting rooms.  It’s always nice to have something besides magazines or soap operas for your children to view when you’re waiting at the doctor or dentist.  


I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.  All opinions expressed are my own.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations. 


Isaac’s Ice Cream Tree

Isaac loves the sugar maple in his yard, and he can’t help but feel bad for it when its branches are winter-bare. He decides to give it a gift…and is surprised when the tree returns the favor in the new morning snow, presenting him with balls of…ice cream!
But how long can this magic last with spring on the horizon? A magical exploration through the colors of the rainbow, the days of the week, and some of our favorite fruits that is sure to delight.


When God Made Color

The wonders of creation spread out before us in all the glories of the rainbow…the deep purples and blues of night, the bright yellows of day, the pinks and oranges of flowers. And of course, the colors of all the creatures…including us! These sumptuous fine art illustrations will thrill parent and child alike!
Click here to purchase Isaac’s Ice Cream Tree.
Click here to purchase When God Made Color

About the Authors


Christian Children's Books


Angela Henderson resides in Dallas, Texas, where she teaches middle school English Language Arts & Reading and is a mother of three. Exploring children’s books for twelve years with her own children during numerous “story times” at the local library and reading hundreds of books to her children, her passion for quality children’s literature led her to write her own work.
After creating her blog and Facebook page, Kidsbook Friends, and her Instagram, Instabooks, she’s been able to share her love of literature with over a thousand followers by featuring authors and books. She’s thrilled to introduce her own creative story where magical moments lead to positive perspectives.

Christian Children's Books


Sheri Carmon seeks to incorporate the beauty of the Lord’s heart, His ways and His love in her writing for children. As an author, her goal is to shine His light through stories. In the past, she has published poetry and inspirational compositions with both Blue Mountain Arts and The Group Publishing.
Sheri has always cared for the individual needs of families and spent fifteen marvelous, fast-paced years in real estate, specializing in family-friendly homes. She and her husband have helped facilitate whole church Bible-reading programs in Colorado, Nebraska and South Dakota. They make their home in Colorado, on the front range of the Rocky Mountains, where they’re surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation every day.

More from Angela

Why children’s books? After all, I teach young teens. Well, my reasons:

  1. I love art, and reading children’s books is like looking at an artist’s showcase of creativity!
    * Shout out to my amazing illustrator, Rachael Koppendrayer!
  2. I love to dream up the impossible, and you can make anything happen in a children’s book!
  3. I love togetherness and nothing brings a family together like a good book.

As I read picture books with my kiddos, the teacher in me wanted to instruct too. I created a blog ( so teachers, librarians, and parents could have little lessons to help them “make friends” with the characters in the stories I featured. Surrounded by such inspiration from these books and my kiddos, I started writing my own manuscripts when my kids were all under age five, mainly sketches of thoughts until I had segments of time where I could construct stories.

After several years of attending SCBWI conferences; connecting with writers; creating manuscripts & editing and revising, editing and revising (you see a pattern?!); and submitting them to publishers, Isaac’s Ice Cream Tree was accepted for publication and was released January 15, 2019, by Whitefire Publishing! (It’s a process!!!)

The message embedded in this colorful, magical story expresses a very real part of my heart as it’s our family motto: “Always remember to look for the rainbow.” My kids and I both literally and figuratively practice this principle, rushing out after every rain to see if the sky is painted with a bow as well as trying to find the good that comes through the storms of life.

Through my journey, I’ve experienced much loss through moving many times, caring for my mother during her dying days, and losing my husband through a divorce. Yet in it all, God redeems and uses each pain and joy like brush strokes on a canvass, reminding us of His unfailing promises while creating a masterpiece.

Creativity, imagination, inspiration . . . make magical moments.

Gather together. Dream the impossible. Embrace the colors. . . as I introduce you to a new friend, Isaac! Excited to share this story with you. . . and my next one . . . and the one after that. . . until we have many new kindred spirits… .together.

Click here for a free printable coloring page.

Click here to learn the story behind the story.

More from Sheri

A child asks, “Who am I?”
Creation Vs. Evolution – The big battle. Many public schools are presenting Evolution as fact and not theory. They leave no room for the concept of Creation. Our little ones are not creatures descended from animals, they are Children of God, created in His image. This is our identity and our children’s Identity and it makes all the difference in how we see ourselves, how we see others and how we engage in the world.

Our identity is made clear in Genesis, the first book of the Bible.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26-27 NIV.

As Christian parents and grandparents, we are charged with teaching, encouraging and bringing forth our family line for the LORD. The new picture book When God Made Color, with its awe-inspiring illustrations, is about our true identity and about the joyful, loving God who created us and the whole universe – a universe that is still expanding – Isn’t He just amazing?

Click here to view a special video


Blog Stops for Christian Children’s Books

A Baker’s Perspective, May 2

By The Book, May 2

Among the Reads, May 3

cultivating us, May 3

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, May 4

Reflections From My Bookshelves, May 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 5

Mary Hake, May 5

For Him and My Family, May 6

Stephanie’s Life of Determination, May 6

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 7

Blogging With Carol, May 7

Lighthouse Academy, May 8

God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae, May 8

Pause for Tales, May 9

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, May 9

Inspiration Clothesline, May 10

Reading Themes, May 10

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 11

Texas Book-aholic, May 11

Have A Wonderful Day, May 12

janicesbookreviews, May 12

A Reader’s Brain, May 13

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 13

Older & Smarter?, May 14

Creating Romance, May 14

Inklings and notionsMay 14

Aryn, the Libraryan, May 15

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, May 15

The Becca Files, May 15


Giveaway for Christian Children’s Books


Christian Children's Books


To celebrate their tour, Angela and Sheri is giving away a grand prize of The Great Color Giveaway Package that includes a$25 gift card from Amazon, Rainbow ice-cream cups with colored spoons, a paperback copy of Issacs’s Ice Cream Tree, a $25 gift card from Barnes and Noble,
Crayola Washable Kids’ Paint – 12 count original and glitter paint (see attached image), and a paperback copy of When God Made Color!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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  1. Rita Wray

    The Books Sound Great!

  2. Sheri Carmon

    Erin, thank you so much for hosting ‘When God Made Color’ on your blog today! I am so encouraged by your love of family (and your delight in children’s Christian books!) I feel Christian joy in your review, and it makes me happy too! Thank you for the lovely comments. Sincerely, Sheri Carmon, author of picture book ‘When God Made Color’.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by! We definitely love the book and thank you for letting us read it!

  3. Debbie P

    These book sounds really great and I know that my son and nieces will love them.

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