A People Chosen

A People Chosen

A People Chosen


About the Book A People Chosen


A People Chosen


Book: A People Chosen

Author: Karen Engle

Genre: Non – Fiction / Christian / Bible Study

Release Date: March 2017

Is God finished with the Jewish people? Understanding Israel according to the Bible and not the media, political views, or personal opinion sheds incredible light on why Israel and the Jewish people exist today.

God is not finished with the tiny nation and has a great purpose and plan for Israel that will impact the world. A People Chosen: God’s Purpose and Plan for Israel and the Nations is a self-guided eight-lesson Bible study.

You will learn about the creation of Israel in Genesis, God’s promises to Israel and the nations, Israel’s scattering and current regathering to Israel, the return of King Jesus to rule and reign from Jerusalem, and why Israel is pivotal in God’s plan of redemption.

It is a love story of faithfulness, mercy, and justice. It is the story of a people chosen by God to be a conduit for God’s blessings to all mankind. It is a weighty call, and it has not come without a price.

Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on A People Chosen:

We know from the Bible that the people of Israel are the chosen people.  They were chosen by God and have a special place.  Even amongst all the political and social upheaval in their country they are still chosen and you can still see the hand of God around them.

The cover is gorgeous.  It caught my eye and really made me want to look at the book.  The picture is calm and soothing.  Bibles used in this study are the NIV or the NLT.  I prefer the KJV but that just means I was looking up all the stated verses on my own within my own Bible. 

This would be a good study to do as a family leading up to Passover in my opinion.  We, as a family, celebrate Passover.  While we are not Jewish my husband’s ancestors were and we still hold true to several of the customs and celebrations of the Jewish people.

I have been reading through this study on my own this year.  My plan is to hold onto my copy and go through it as a bit of a condensed and watered-down version with my children leading up to Passover next year.  I think this will be a good way for them to know more of their heritage but also to understand Israel as a nation. 

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

About the Author of A People Chosen


A People Chosen


Karen earned a master’s in biblical studies from Western Seminary. She is an adjunct writing instructor with Moody Bible Institute, a copy editor for Faithlife Corporation, and owner of East Gate Editing. Her passion is taking study groups to the land of Israel, which she says brings the Bible from “black and white to technicolor.”

More from Karen

There is something peculiar about the Jews. They are one of the few ancient people groups that has endured into modern times, and their religion—Judaism—is one of the world’s oldest.

The Jewish people have been miraculously regathered together into a thriving nation after being scattered throughout the earth. Hebrew, Israel’s official language, was once a dead speech but has been revived and is now an active, living language with more than five million native speakers.

They have been the most persecuted people in history and as such their existence baffles historians and theologians alike. There is no logical rationale for the Jews’ existence. Considering the Holocaust alone, the Jewish people should not have survived. And yet, they do.

In fact, they have flourished and been a blessing to the world.

The narrative of the Bible is centered on this unique nation of individuals established by God thousands of years ago in ancient Mesopotamia. From Abraham to King David to Jesus, the story of the Bible is knit together with a common thread: the Jewish people. It is a love story of faithfulness, mercy, and justice. This is the story of a people chosen by God to be a conduit for God’s blessings to humanity. The nation has a weighty call, and it has not come without a price.

Yet, many people, even Christians, don’t give this a second thought.

About twelve years ago, God stirred my heart toward this tiny nation, and I subsequently spent years studying the history of the Jewish people and God’s purpose and plan for them according to Scripture. And it rocked my theological world. I was in the middle of seminary, and no one (outside of one professor, who is still my favorite) talked about Israel. And though there were books on the topic, I could not find one Bible study.

When I talk to people about Israel and its importance in Scripture and thus modern-day world events, there seems to be a disconnect—a lack of understanding as to why anyone would bring up the topic. Why should anyone care? What is so significant about Israel?

I wrote this Bible study to answer these questions. It’s a cross between a book and a Bible study and is designed to take participants by the hand and help them understand why God cares so deeply about this peculiar nation. It’s a culmination of many trips to the land and years of personal study—and I’m still learning. Heavy on Scripture, full of beautiful images from around Israel, and focused on Christ, the study will turn the black and white pages of your Bible to technicolor.

I hope that those who do the study will begin to see Israel as a beautiful example of God’s faithfulness to his Word.


Blog Stops for A People Chosen

Texas Book-aholic, March 26

Inklings and notions, March 27

For Him and My Family, March 28

Blossoms and Blessings, March 29 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, March 30

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, March 31

Genesis 5020, April 1

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, April 2

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 3

For the Love of Literature, April 4 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, April 4

Spoken from the Heart, April 5

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 6

Artistic Nobody, April 7 (Author Interview)

SPLASHES of Joy, April 8


Giveaway for A People Chosen


A People Chosen


To celebrate her tour, Karen is giving away the grand prize package of an Israel-themed basket: 6 copies of my book/Bible study A People Chosen, the movie The Hope on the rebirth of Israel in 1948, the book Your People Will Be My People, and a $25 gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.


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  1. James Robert

    Your book sounds great and I’m glad I got to learn about it. Thank you!

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Rita Wray

    I liked the review, thank you.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Deana

    I enjoyed reading your review. I also am taking my time going through the study. It has so much great information.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Deana

    I enjoyed reading your review.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Debbie P

    This sounds like a very interesting read!

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Caryl Kane

    I enjoy learning about the Israelites. This sturdy sounds fascinating.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by!

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