History Timeline

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in
exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I
compensated in any other way.
History Timeline
Homeschool Review Crew
Home School in The Woods

Have you ever wondered just where things fit in history? Maybe if someone was still alive when someone else was born? What about where the Bible figures fit in with the history we’re taught in schools? Home School in the Woods has a fun history timeline for you! We received their complete timeline figures download as part of a Homeschool Review Crew review.
The Timeline Collection: A Collection of Historical Timeline Figures is for kids of all ages from Kindergarten to their Senior Year, but also for adults too. With the download, you can access the history timeline figures as full-page wall timeline pieces or as small notebook timeline pieces. They also come with words telling about them or without the words.
About the Product
Home School in the Woods is a wonderful company that focuses on quality history and social studies type homeschool products. These can be used as stand-alone units or as supplements for what you are currently studying.
This is a fun family-owned and operated company. Amy Pak and her family run the company. They homeschooled and from the time Amy herself was in public school, she noticed a need for a product like their history timeline as her report from the school said she had trouble connecting the people of history to the times around them.
They have created lots of wonderful history programs to help you have fun while studying history. For all grades, they have made the history timeline plus they have different products for different ages.
We have reviewed their Project Passports as well as their Time-Traveller series and found them both to be wonderful and adaptable for all ages. These are all downloadable and you can then print and use it as much as you need for your family.
I do also want to mention that I have seen them at our local homeschool conference and they are wonderful to answer questions and help in any way we need. From that experience, I would say their customer service is excellent and you only have to reach out to learn anything you have questions on.
Products Offered
Some of the other products offered up by Home School in the Woods included:
U.S. Elections Lap-Pak (grades 3-8)
Benjamin Franklin K-2 Lap-Pak (grades K-2)
Knights K-2 Lap-Pak (grades K-2)
Timeline Collection: A Collection of Historical Timeline Figures (grades K -12)
Project Passport World History Studies grades 3-8:
- Ancient Egypt
- Also Ancient Greece
- Ancient Rome
- The Middle Ages
- Renaissance & Reformation
- The Industrial Revolution through the Great Depression
Time Travelers U.S. History Studies (grades 3- 8 ) Choice of One:
- New World Explorers
- Colonial Life
- The American Revolution
- The Early 19th Century
- The Civil War
- The Industrial Revolution through the Great Depression
- World War II
Make-A-State Activity-Pak (grades 3-8)
Artists Activity-Pak (grades 3-8)
Composers Activity-Pak (grades 3-8)
The U.S. Elections Lap-Pak would be a great one to use right now as we gear up for presidential elections in this country. I know my children have been full of questions this year as my older kids are reaching teenage years and really starting to wonder about what impact we have on our country and how we can effect change.
You can find a link to a blog post on the Home School in the Woods blog talking about their Elections Lap-Pak and how you might use it HERE.
How We Used
For our review, I printed off both the notebook size and the wall map size. We’re not doing a wall map, but I like to print off the full-size history timeline figures as we study them.
The full-size pages go in a three-ring binder as we study them. We have dividers to divide by centuries and then we put them in where they go. This is a great way to help you study history and know where people and events coincide.
With our timeline, I found a free printable online to accordion fold so that we would have our own timeline. Then the folded timeline can be hole-punched and put into the front of our binder for history. I did not have any cardstock or thick paper for our timeline so I plan to laminate it once we are done to protect it for studying purposes.
Some of my children wanted their people in color so they were allowed to color on their timeline figures. I also told them that we should color code our figures. So for instance those that are Bible figures would get one color while those who are from regular history would get another color. I ordered colored highlighters for this but they have not arrived yet due to shipping delays and the virus going through.
My plan then is to highlight the words with the correct color-coded high lighter. When you print out the downloads there are two downloads but also several sections from which to print.
I also went to the Home School in the Woods blog and found a printable that tells me all of the events and the order they go in. This really helps if you’re not sure where something should go on the timeline. Before we glue anything to the timeline I check that sheet. And know that your timeline is going to get crowded and you’re going to be putting things up and down and around!
The Downloads
When I downloaded the two sections I opened them up. Within the first section are all of my notebook timeline figures. They are divided into America(those pertaining to our country from start to present), Bonus (these are ones not normally included anywhere), Creation to Christ, Resurrection to Revolution, and Napoleon to Now.
I appreciated that these are divided so that you can know where they are and what they are for. So, we are studying World History currently from the WWI years upwards. Knowing this I knew that the people and events we are currently studying would be within the Napoleon to Now folder and I would just need to find the correct page to print out.
There are 1260 black and white historical figures plus 80 bonus figures. This is a two-part zipped download or a 2 CD package if purchased physically versus the download.
Within the download is a file just for tips and tricks on how to use the download as well as how to set up a timeline and some extras such as a game that can be played. Honestly, they have given so much help with this file that you really don’t have any questions once you learn to navigate it.
Our Thoughts
I love Home School in the Woods and their wonderful products. We’ve reviewed several different products from them and have loved each and every one. I was browsing the blog the other day and ran across this fun article on St Patrick just in time for the holiday. We loved using it and I hope you’ll take a peek.
Home School in the Woods is one of our favorite history programs. I love their materials and am always glad for a chance to review a new product so I can add to my children’s historical knowledge and truthfully to my own as well. We as parents are always learning around our children too, or at least that’s my opinion.
The only downside I have found to this product is that I can’t just print off all of the notebook timeline figures at once. I would like to be able to do that so that I can already have them printed out. There is already an index so if say I wanted Clara Barton I could look on the master list and she’s figure 5 on page 5 of download section bonus or something.
Printing off the timeline figures is probably the most time-consuming part of this product and I really can’t complain because it is so thorough and has so many different events and people. Half of them I’m sorry to say I couldn’t’ even remember and don’t think I even learned about some!
Learn More
You can learn more about the products offered up for review from Home School in the Woods as well as how other people have used their History Timeline figures by reading all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Home School in the Woods can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
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