YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel
I did it! I finally started a YouTube Channel to share some of our experiences with you. Right now I have two videos up! One is our months Azure Standard order and one is our local bent and dent store trip. We go there monthly as well. Between the two we spend the bulk of our monthly grocery money.
My YouTube Channel can be found HERE. You can watch the Azure video HERE or the Store Trip HERE.
I’d love for you to give my YouTube Channel a follow. I am planning on uploading more videos as well. Each month will have our monthly orders for Azure and our monthly trip to the store. Plus I will start doing the big shops that I do bi-monthly like Sams for household things like toilet paper (which is still out of stock more than in in our area).
Please let me know in the comments here or on my channel what else you’d like to see! I plan on sharing our shearing when we do it in spring for our sheep. Other things that will probably be coming are a day in the life, spring garden planning, seed buys, and more!
On my to-do list is a welcome and about us video. Also on the to-do list is a post on how I manage toys and clothes for 11 children in a small house. We’re just under 1100 sq ft here!
Another upcoming video is going to be a house tour. I will also start sharing some how-to recipes. My favorite pizza crust will probably be the first one!
As I get my gluten-free sourdough up and going again I do imagine that I will be sharing a how-to on how I do my bread. For right now I have a how-to on starting your gluten-free sourdough starter over on my Instagram account in the Highlights. There are actually two highlights for it as it got a bit too long and I ran out of room in the first one.
I can’t wait to see you over on my YouTube Channel!
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